Status Report

EVA Hardware Board (EHB) Minutes of Meeting August 8, 2001

By SpaceRef Editor
August 8, 2001
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The EHB met at JSC on April 18August 8, 2001, in Building 1, Room 360, at 1:00 p.m. Representatives from the following organizations participated:

EVA Project Office

Hardware Development

Integration and Operations

Astronaut Office

Engineering Directorate

Crew & Thermal Systems Division

EVA and Spacesuit Systems



Hamilton Sundstrand Windsor Locks (HSWL) via telecon

Hamilton Sundstrand Management Services



EHB Board members from the following organizations participated:

XA/Chairman, XA/Secretary, XA/Tools and Crew Aids, XA/I&O, XA/EMU, XA/TRI, CB/Astronaut Office, EA/Engineering, EC5/EVA and IVA Equipment, MV5/FCE EVA and NA/SR&QA.

The following items were presented:

  1. Hardware Integration Schedule XA/Barbara Counts

Changes to the schedule include the following for STS-109 (HST-03B):

  • PSA pull test on 9/14/01

  • GSFC KSC on-dock on 10/12/01

  • Payload bay ship on 9/10/01

  1. PRACA Status NS43/Terry Miller

Twelve A total of eighteen (18) FIAR’s are open for EVA hardware and are shown by flight as follows:

STS-100 (6A) 0

STS-105 (7A.1) 91

STS-108 (UF1) 13

STS-109 (HST) 17

STS-110 (8A) 17

Four FIAR’s were reported as past due. The following were statused:

JSCEC0860 — Body Restraint Tether. BRT will not stabilize after tensioning.

A DCN is in the system. Closure is in review. A concern is grease in the cable. Corrective action will be to specify the life limit of the BRT or address getting rid of grease. A new ECD of 8/22/01 was assigned.

JSCEC0879 — Portable Foot Restraint. At -150 thermal testing HST PFR pitch joint pedal is not able to return to the lock position after actuation.

Lockheed has a fix in work. A new ECD of 8/27/01 was assigned.

JSCEC0884 — Tether Assembly, Crew Lock. Slip ring on tether assembly failed 45 lb load test.

Rings from the same lot have been tested. On-orbit assemblies probably have the same problem. XA/Greg LeStourgeon will look at the GDRD requirement to see if changing loads requirements for the current assembly is an option. A new ECD of 8/22/01 was assigned.

JSCEC0886 — Top Mounted Handrails. Discoloration found inside handrail bracket tube and powdery substance found to be aluminum oxide during PDA.

Per EM, this problem is the result of the surface treatment at the vendor Aacron. Site visits are still planned. A new ECD of 9/19/01 was assigned.

One new FIAR was reported:

BFC 026A026 — Modular Gimbal Assy, MMWS. Modular T-bar screws inadvertently disengaged the retractor assy.

An ISOD (interim selected operation disposition) has been turned in for STS-105 (7A.1) and STS-108 (UF1).

The following FIAR’s for STS-108 (UF1) were addressed:

JSCEC0851 — General Purpose Cutter. GPC handle does not lock within torque spec during thermal testing.

Interim closure will be to fly existing units. A new ECD of mid-October was assigned.

JSCEC0781F — 5/16" Wobble Socket. Wobble socket detaching from PGT during STS-103 EVA.

A path to OSS to get drawings is in place. Closure is anticipated shortly.

No FIAR’s are open for STS-100.

STS-104 (7A) FIAR’s were statused as follows:

JSCEC0839 — REBA Charger. REBA failed to show green LED during acceptance testing.

EC5/ Hiep Nguyen will be going to the contractor (Summit) 5/4/01.

JSCEC0863F — Modular Gimbal Assy. End effector is sticking/not closing (STS-98 anomaly).

EC5/Roger Schwarz reported that he is getting more information from Oceaneering. There may be a "broke" in configuration control. Getting story.

BFCE026A024 — High Strength Bridge Clamp. Unlock push button will not extend.

EC5/Roger Schwarz reported the hardware is going through vibe testing this week.

STS-105 (7A.1) FIAR’s were statused as follows:

BFCE029F105 — Pistol Grip Tool (PGT). PGT Chatter.

EC5/Roger Schwarz reported this FIAR is still unexplained. The PGT will be shipped for MPLM Bench Review the end of the month. Interims will be written within the next 2 weeks. Hardware is to be left on-orbit.

The Chairman requested a note be added to the status to show dates interims are needed, shipping on open DR, etc.

The oldest FIAR, against the 5/16" Hex Wobble Socket, is 593 days old.

  1. Certification Status NS22/Greg Wright

All certification is closed for STS-105 (7A.1). Open certification for STS-108 (UF1) includes the PFR bridge clamp and ORU transfer bags (large and medium). The bridge clamp is going through the FMEA and SAR process. XA/Anh Huynh will discuss options with MA/Dave Whittle. Lockheed is building the large ORU transfer bags first and will start on the medium sizes as the schedule permits. There are 13 open certification items for STS-109, with due dates to S&MA of 11/16/01.

A discussion followed on the cuff checklist band that came loose on 7A, as well as a question of who owns this hardware. The cuff checklist is stowed in the FDF. Henceforth, this item will be put on the Tools ESEL. USA will write the failure documenting the 7A problem today, with rationale to accept the risk.

  1. EMU RDR and Certification Status NS22/Charles Sager

EMU RDR’s open by flight are as follows:

STS-105 (7A.1) 1

STS-108 (UF1) 20

STS-109 (HST) 1

A new RDR for 7A.1 was written on the inadequate cable length on the I-392 ORU harness assembly. The EC5 SSM has an interim closure in work.

There is one open certification item for STS-105 (7A.1). The SA 28V utility adapter open cert went to the SMART yesterday (8/7/01) and is presently with EEE for signature. Final sign-off by Safety is expected today.

There are two open certification items for STS-108 (UF1). A CCBD is required for the in-line voltage regulator open cert. An ESEL revision is required on the athletic support assembly open cert. There is no open certification for STS-109.

  1. On-Orbit Limited Life Status — NA/R. Toler

There are no new items to report on the on-orbit limited life status. The next scheduled status will include a review of how to use the on-line system.

  1. USA Limited Life Status — USA/Nancy Jeanne Neason

  2. No items are open.

  3. On-Orbit FIAR’s/DR’s — XA/Kristin O’Brien
  4. This item was not presented.

  5. Funds Transfer Status XA/Janice Hall

Funds transferred this reporting period include:

H-1019 - Fabric Purchases for EVA Bags and Gap Spanners – $20K

H-0913R1 - 5/16" Wobble Socket – $30K

— - Additional Funding for Sustaining Engineering – $218K

— - SSATA — Calibration Cost on 8’ Testing – $30K

— - Quick Disconnect FID Gauges – $10K

Money will be sent to EA for the EMU Lab upgrade. XA did get back money from EA for the ISS block buy.

  1. EMU Rotation Plan (H7130) — HSWL/Donna Ray
  2. Revisions to the EMU Rotation Plan are scheduled for presentation the 4th Wednesday of the month.

  3. USA SAFER Flight Logistics Plan (H-0933) — XA/Anh Huynh

Revisions to the USA SAFER Flight Logistics Plan are scheduled for presentation the 4th Wednesday of the month.

  1. IFA Status — XA/Glenn Lutz

IFA actions were reviewed and dispositioned as follows:

STS-92-7: Present action plan and schedule for PGT chatter FIAR BFCE029F105.

CLOSED. Testing is complete and hardware has been refurbished.

STS-104-1: Prepare/present IFA closure package for IFA EVA-001 "EMU 3 Electrolyte Leakage" to SSP.

8/8/01: In work. The Chairman requested to be informed of the process to close a Shuttle IFA.

STS-104-2: Review contents of on-orbit hazardous material clean-up kit and make recommendations for mods based upon hazards associated with EMU concerns (ref: battery leakage on STS-104).

CLOSED 8/8/01. HSMS/Wade Frost presented KOH and LiOH contamination procedures to have on console during mission support.

CB/Scott Parazynski voiced a crew concern regarding PLSS contamination. The Board agreed that in this event, no attempt should be made to clean the hardware; it would be "zipped up" and brought home.

STS-104-4: Initiate DR on EV1 LTA to investigate boot fit concerns experienced prior to EVA #1. Present findings to EHB or outside Board upon completion.

CLOSED 8/8/01. A DR has been written.

STS-104-5: Initiate DR on RET’s returned on STS-104 (7A) to determine which serial number was discrepant, if possible.

8/8/01: RET’s are not back from 7A.

STS-104-6: Investigate findings reported under IFI 487 "Incorrect BCA Data Downlink" and report to EHB, with recommended plan and further action.

8/8/01: A PIRN has been submitted to bring the BCA-to-airlock ICD up to date. MOD has incorporated a change to ground software to provide correct data. DX/Peggy Guirgis will inform XA when Space Station has updated the PIRN, at which time the IFA can be closed.

STS-104-7: Investigate findings reported under IFI 4889 "Erroneous Messages on BCA" and report to EHB, with recommended plan and further action.

CLOSED 8/8/01. Cause has been attributed to embedded Christie (COTS) firmware. Three different messages for the same problem were received and all occurred for slots that did not have batteries. EC5 will continue to monitor and will put together a matrix for MOD use.

STS-104-8: Investigate findings reported on IFI TBD "BCA 1 garbled messages" and report to EHB, with recommended plan and further action.

8/8/01: Cause has been attributed to corrupted register in the micro-controller that incorrectly points to intended message string. DX/Peggy Guirgis will put together a troubleshooting document.

STS-104-9: Investigate findings reported on IFI TBD "In-suit EMU Battery Recharge Early Termination" and "Current display dropped at early termination anomaly" and report to EHB.

8/8/01: Further investigation is required. More testing in SSATA is being considered. EC5/Bill Spenny and Joey Marmolejo are requested to return to the EHB on 8/15/01 to present a top-level plan and summary on Safety issues.

The BSA portion of the IFA ("Current display dropped…") will be presented to the 8/15/01 EHB. The question of when will the software to discharge the BSA be uploaded and where did the process break down will be addressed.

STS-104-10: MOD update OCAD to document/control access of glove fingers into the interior of WIF’s. Take interim steps with 7A.1 crew to inform of potential concern.

8/8/01: The Chairman requested DX/Peggy Guirgis to coordinate with the actionee for a status on closure.

STS-104-11: Report status of EMU middeck battery charger ISS certification effort and task to provide capability for 7A.1

CLOSED 8/8/01. Finish testing hardware in SSATA. Once paperwork is signed by Safety (Charles Sager), the hardware will be certified for use on Station.

  1. EHB Actions Status — XA/Glenn Lutz
  2. This item was deferred.

  3. PGT Torque Tolerance — EC5/Gary Nickel

A discrepancy exists in the accuracy of performance for torque applied by the PGT as stated in the EVA ICD and the PGT CARD. The result is that all tasks having been or to be performed using the PGT are suspect.

The EVA ICD states that PGT accuracy will be within +/-15% up to and including 90 in-lb and +/-10% above 90 in-lb. The PGT CARD states +/-10% or +/-1.0 ft-lb, whichever is greater.

Performance data provided by USA for tools tested pre- and post-flight shows that tools almost always meet the CARD requirements but almost never meet the ICD requirements at low settings.

The proposed plan to resolve the issue includes the following:

  • Compile actual torque data from all PIA’s run to data at USA.

  • Review cert test plan and data from GSFC.

  • Evaluate test facilities at JSC and USA, plus others if additional testing is required.

The XA AIT will assign actions to review bolt data reports.

The following action was assigned:

Action 8/8/01-1: Update ICD to existing capabilities of tool.

Actionee: EC5/Gary Nickel

Due Date: 9/5/01

  1. H7167 — EVARM Dosimeter Pocket Certification/Fabrication for Use in EMU — HSMS/K. Nieminen

This CCBD requests the contractor to certify and fabricate the EVA radiation monitor dosimeter pockets for the liquid cooling and ventilation garment and communication carrier assembly for the use of nine (9) EVA activities in the Increment 4 manifest.

Decision: Approve.

No further items were brought forward, and the EHB adjourned.

Submitted by: Approved by:

(Original signed by) (Original signed by)

___________________________ ____________________________

Harriett Attaway Brian Johnson Glenn C. Lutz

EHB Secretary Acting EHB Chairman

SpaceRef staff editor.