EVA Hardware Board (EHB) Minutes of Meeting 24 Jan 2001
The EHB met at JSC on January 24, 2001, in Building 1, Room 360, at 1:00 p.m. Representatives from the following organizations participated:
EVA Project Office
Hardware Development
Integration and Operations
Astronaut Office
Engineering Directorate
EVA and Spacesuit Systems
EVA, Robotics, & Crew Systems
Hamilton Sundstrand
Hamilton Sundstrand Management Services
EHB Board members from the following organizations participated:
XA/Tools and Crew Aids, XA/EMU, XA/Integration and Operations, DX3/EVA, Robotics, & Crew Systems, EA/Engineering, EC5/EVA and Spacesuit Systems, MV5/FCE, and NA/SR&QA.
The following items were presented:
- Hardware Integration Schedule XA/R. Fair
Changes to the schedule include the STS-98 launch slip to NET 2/8/01, STS-100 PLB hardware ship 2/15/01, and slips in work for STS-102 and STS-104 launch dates.
- PRACA Status NS43/T. Miller
A total of 16 FIARs are open for EVA hardware and are shown by flight as follows:
STS-98 3
STS-102 9
STS-100 9
STS-104 12
One FIAR was reported past due and statused as follows:
JSCEC0796 Active WIF Assy. Active WIF control knob appeared to have increased force to operate.
Vibe test complete. To be closed by 1/26/01.
Three new FIAR were reported:
JSCEC0848F Equipment Hook. At the end of EVA1 (STS-97), EV2 experienced an inadvertent equipment hook release from the ISS torque wrench.
STS-98 interim in XA signature loop.
JSCEC0849F Safety Tether. During STS-97, Safety Tethers would not retract properly, slow retraction.
Hardware back on ground and will be evaluated. No near-term fix.
JSCEC0850F Safety Tether During STS-97, discoloration noticed on both fabric and aluminum of Safety Tether Assembly.
Discoloration may be more than cosmetic. Hardware bagged and will go to Toxicology for analysis. EM to participate in investigation and take part in recommendations to be presented to 1/29/01 Tools Panel.
The following STS-102 FIARs were statused:
BFCE029F105 Pistol Grip Tool (PGT). PGT Chatter.
To close as "Unexplained".
JSCEC0839 REBA Charger. REBA failed to show green LED during acceptance testing.
Trying to track down.
JSCEC0841 PFR Gimbal Assembly. Roll joint buttons binding.
Can close; failure unique to 1 unit.
The following SAFER FIAR was statused:
JSCER0033 USA SAFER. NSI trace on oscilloscope appeared abnormal.
CR draft in work to change spec.
The oldest FIAR, against the Adaptive Payload Carrier, is 505 days old.
- Certification Status NS22/G. Wright
There are two open hardware certifications for STS-98 the Hydrazine Detection Pad (Gold Salt), and Trace Gas Analyzer. The Hydrazine Detection Pad is in testing at WSTF and should be closed by 1/26/01. The cert package on the TGA is in the signature loop.
There are two open hardware certifications for STS-102 QD Cap Removal Tool and EVA Ohmmeter. The 1", _", and _" QD Cap Removal tools arrived 1/23/01. HS is working the PIA. Paperwork (cert datapack, GCAR) is to follow. One of the tools will be sent to Bench Review uncertified. Ohmmeter hardware has been delivered. The GCAR is in the signature loop.
There are four open hardware certifications for STS-100 PFR Attachment Device, SAFER, SAFER IVA Battery, and 11/16" Box End Wrench. . The PFR Attachment Device and 11/16" Box End Wrench have ship dates of 2/15/01. The SAFER Battery EEE parts position needs to be addressed.
- EMU RDR and Certification Status NC512/J. Fuentes
The total open EMU RDRs by flight are as follows:
STS-98 4
STS-102 6
STS-100 3
All certification is closed for STS-98.
There are four open certification items for STS-102 SSER Antenna Cable, EMU Advanced Battery, SSER Antenna Assy, and SSER Kit. A System Level Cert Meeting is scheduled for 1/25/01.
There are seven items requiring certification for STS-100 Disposable Insuit Drink Bag, (DIDB), BSI with Toe Cap Assy, Arm Sizing Ring, Impact Shield, Secondary Oxygen Pack (SOP), Impact Shield, ISS EMU Umbilical. ESELs are in process of updates, which will remove these items from the open cert list.
- Funds Transfer Status XA/J. Hall
No funds have been transferred since the last report.
- IFA Status XA
STS-97 IFAs will be discussed off-line between XA/G. Lutz and XA/D. Roberts.
- EMU Logistics Status XA/L. Kearney
This item was not presented. XA/L. Kearney informed the EHB that the EMU Rotation Plan will be presented at the 1/31/01 EHB, and, if approved, will be presented on a monthly basis to the EHB on the last Wednesday of the month.
- EHB Action Status XA/G. Lutz
- H7123 Removal of Vacuum Water Recharge from EMU Design Specification HSWL/D. Etter
- H-0935 Bearing Module Roll Ring Motor (BMRRM) Vice Clamp Contingency Tool XA/E. Mohr
- H-0936 Additional OIHs and OIH Bags for SO LTA Cable Task XA/M. Tullar
- H-0937 Orlan SAFER Launch Restraint FSE XA/C. Fulcher
The following EHB action items were statused:
Action 12/5/00-2 EC5/S. Cupples: Assess all tools used in SSA processing for possible inclusion in SSA Maintenance Manual.
To status Chairman off-line.
Action 9/20/00-3 EC5/C. Dinsmore: Verify ESELs match 1027s and are signed by responsible SSMs.
Adequate process in place.
Action 10/18/00-1 EC5/C. Dinsmore: Build complete sets of drawings for all EVA tools and crew aids in inventory, etc.
CLOSED. Location of drawings are known.
Action 11/29/00-3 XA/J. Dutton: Present operations constraints and recommendations concerning the use of the _" x _" Allen Driver.
Still working.
Action 12/6/00-1 HSWL/J. Ferketic: Develop ROM and schedule to make the SSER and EMU ORU component.
Change actionee to HSWL/W. Pasternak
Action 11/29/00-1 GSFC/K. Gaulke: Brief EHB on results of investigation into damage to PGT and corrective action.
Note sent to actionee by XA/A. Huynh. No response. Will send again.
Action 6/14/00-3 XA/B. Johnson: Present recommendation on implementation of ECs and SIs to EHB.
In work.
Action 12/5/00-1 USA/V. Lilly-Tallman: Identify all tools used in SSA processing which are not authorized in the SSA Maintenance Manual.
CLOSED. Delete action.
Action 9/27/00-2 EA4/A. Lozano: Confirm TSA configuration to accommodate GP Cutter SEG33106915-301 to verify the tool will fit.
CLOSED. Tech order to KSC 11/18/00.
Action 11/1/00-4 EC5/W. Spenny: Evaluate potential suite damage (STS-97 D-ring issue).
In work.
Action 12/13/00-2 EC5/W. Spenny: Work with MOD to understand IRCO2 sensor.
Actionee to coordinate with XA/G. Lutz.
This CCBD requests revising SVHS7800, EMU Design and Performance Specification, to change the EMU water capacity design requirement of 7 hours EVA duration with 6 hours at maximum average thermal load. The removal of vacuum water recharge from the EVA checklist limits the water quantity to what is presently available in the system.
At the request of the Chairman, HSWL will consolidate all information on EMU water recharge and release the historical perspective in an EMUM.
Decision: Hold for release of EMUM. Anticipated date of release is the end of February 2001.
During BMRRM removal and replacement, the Acme screw that activates the clamp between the beta gimbal assembly platform and the BMRRM ORU may be forced off center. If this occurs, the locking feature may not engage. This locking feature prevents the Acme screw from backing out.
This CCBD requests rough concepts, ROMs and schedules to build a new tool that includes a locking feature for the vice clamp. Results will be presented to ISS Management for a decision on risk vs. cost/schedule.
Decision: Approve. Redline CCBD to include EC5 hardware inspection trip to Boeing, with concepts, ROMs and schedules due approximately 2-3 weeks after trip completion.
This CCBD requests 15 additional OIHs for the SO LTA cable routing task (twelve 24", three 12"). The OIHs will be assembled from existing inventory.
Decision: Approve.
This CCBD requests the design, development, and certification of two Class I Orlan SAFER Launch Restraints and one Class III Launch Restraint Tether.
The following action was assigned:
Action 1/24/01-1: Review Lockheed ROM and generate new cost impact.
Actionee: EC5/R. Schwarz
Due Date: 2/7/01
Decision: Route OSB after new cost impact received.
- H-0939 Cut Handrail to Fit New MBS Requirements XA/T. Jochim
This CCBD requests modifying the sidemounted handrail as requested by CSA and delivering to KSC for installation on the Mobile Base System (MBS).
Decision: Approve.
No further items were brought forward, and the EHB meeting adjourned.
Submitted by: Approved by:
(Original signed by) (Original signed by)
___________________________ ____________________________
Harriett Attaway Glenn C. Lutz
EHB Secretary EHB Chairman