Status Report

EVA Equipment Board (EEB) Minutes of Meeting September 26, 2001

By SpaceRef Editor
September 26, 2001
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The EEB met at JSC on April 18September 26, 2001, in Building 1, Room 360, at 1:00 p.m. Representatives from the following organizations participated:

EVA Project Office

Hardware Development

Integration and Operations

Astronaut Office

Engineering Directorate

Crew & Thermal Systems Division

EVA and Spacesuit Systems



Hamilton Sundstrand Windsor Locks (via telecon)

Hamilton Sundstrand Management Services



EEB Board members from the following organizations participated:

XA/Chairman, XA/Secretary, XA/Tools and Crew Aids, XA/I&O, XA/Business Office, CB/Astronaut Office, DX32/EVA Systems Group, EA/Engineering, EC5/EVA and IVA Equipment, MV5/FCE, and NA/SR&QA.

The following items were presented:

  1. Age Life Extension Determination for EVA Batteries — ER/Eric Darcy

EHIP, PGT and REBA batteries are about 1 year away from their age life expiration date. A decision has to be made to either refurbish these batteries or extend their age life. The current age life of EHIP, PGT, and REBA batteries is 5 years from the cell date code of manufacture. Sufficient data does not exist to extend their age life. The following test program was proposed:

  • Every 6 months, take 2 EHIP, 2 PGT, and 1 REBA batteries out of the fleet for 2 weeks maximum to perform charge/discharge capacity and internal impedance testing to establish aging trends vs. initial acceptance test data.

  • Testing 2 EHIP and 2 PGT (one from each cell lot) will ensure data is most credible.

  • EHIP battery will be cycled as 3 independent strings to provide 3 data points.

  • PGT battery will be cycled as 2 independent strings to provide 2 data points.

  • REBA battery will be cycled as 5 independent strings to provide 5 data points.

Using battery from the fleet (that have flown) will allow most confidence in the conclusions.

This program will cost $18K per year.

Data is required by May 2002 if REBA battery life can be extended or if new hardware needs to be bought. Per ER/Eric Darcy, these batteries will "die" slowly and he is confident their life can be extended 2 years. Cycling batteries every 4 months is recommended. Formal documentation to USA is required; information has been provided orally.

The following action was assigned:

Action 9/26/01-1: Document best practices on maintaining life of batteries.

Actionee: ER/Eric Darcy

Due Date: 10/10/01

Decision: Revise H-1020 – Life Extension of PGT Batteries to implement new test program.

  1. Hardware Integration Schedule XA/Barbara Counts

The only change to the schedule is the potential move of the STS-109 (HST-03B) APC/PFR on-dock date from 10/1/01 to 10/15/01. Launch schedule updates are scheduled for presentation to the 9/27/01 PRCB.

  1. PRACA Status NS43/Terry Miller

Twelve A total of fourteen (14) FIAR’s are open for EVA hardware and are shown by flight as follows:

STS-100 (6A) 0

STS-108 (UF1) 9

STS-109 (HST) 11

STS-110 (8A) 13

STS-111 (UF2) 13

Three FIAR’s were reported as past due. The following were statused:

BFCE029F105 — Pistol Grip Tool. Pistol grip tool chatter.

EC5/Gary Nickel received the USA rewrite and is trying to document thought process for closing the FIAR as "unexplained". Closure rationale is anticipated to be in the signature loop next week.

JSCEC0873 — Retracting End Effector. Anchor pin found loose inside of the spool pack assembly.

A plan is in place to fly existing units.

JSCEC0893 — Right/Left-Hand MMWS Swing Arm. During initial PDA swing arm failed interface check with modular base plate assembly.

Failure is unique to new builds and does not effect the existing fleet. Working on DR’s. Can close FIAR.

Two new FIAR’s were reported.

JSCEC0900 — TERA. Step to perform soft dock of the TERA EVA interface assembly to the EVA interface probe could not be performed at the -140F test point.

A full life cycle test was performed on one unit. A full chamber test was performed and the hardware froze on the 3rd cycle. Closure will be written by the end of the week.

BFCE-26A027 — EVA Winch & Mount Assembly. During PDA testing, prior to thermal and vibration testing by Lockheed personnel, it was noticed the roll pin is coming out of the main housing, below the ratchet handle.

USA believes this is a "wear" problem and not a design flaw. A new ECD for the end of November was assigned.

The following STS-108 FIAR’s were statused:

JSCEC-860 — Body Restraint Tether. BRT will not stabilizer after tensioning.

An interim closure is in work.

JSCEC0781 — 5/16" Wobble Socket. Socket detaching from PGT during STS-103 EVA.

Closure is on hold pending receipt of DCN’s.

JSCEC0871F — Waist Tether. STS-100 anomaly — Red indicator showing on load alleviator strap.

An interim closure is in work.

BFCE026A027 — EVA Winch & Mount Assembly. Roll pin coming out.

An interim closure will be submitted by next week.

No FIAR’s are open for STS-100.

STS-104 (7A) FIAR’s were statused as follows:

JSCEC0839 — REBA Charger. REBA failed to show green LED during acceptance testing.

EC5/ Hiep Nguyen will be going to the contractor (Summit) 5/4/01.

JSCEC0863F — Modular Gimbal Assy. End effector is sticking/not closing (STS-98 anomaly).

EC5/Roger Schwarz reported that he is getting more information from Oceaneering. There may be a "broke" in configuration control. Getting story.

BFCE026A024 — High Strength Bridge Clamp. Unlock push button will not extend.

EC5/Roger Schwarz reported the hardware is going through vibe testing this week.

STS-105 (7A.1) FIAR’s were statused as follows:

BFCE029F105 — Pistol Grip Tool (PGT). PGT Chatter.

EC5/Roger Schwarz reported this FIAR is still unexplained. The PGT will be shipped for MPLM Bench Review the end of the month. Interims will be written within the next 2 weeks. Hardware is to be left on-orbit.

The Chairman requested a note be added to the status to show dates interims are needed, shipping on open DR, etc.

The EVA hardware oldest FIAR, against the 5/16" Hex Wobble Socket, is 642 days old.

  1. Certification Status NS22/Greg Wright

Open certification for STS-108 (UF1) includes the PFR bridge clamp, swingarm assembly, modular gimbal assembly, EHIP lights, and ORU transfer bags (large and medium). The PFR bridge clamp will be coming off the list with a dash number change. The EHIP light cert is pending washer changeout.

There are 12 open certification items for STS-109. Most need paperwork submitted by 10/3/01.

Open certification items for STS-110 (8A) are the TERA base assembly and MT energy absorber. Certification is expected by the due date of 10/1/01.

5. EMU RDR and Certification Status NS22/Greg Wright

RDR’s open by flight:

STS-108 (UF1) - 20

STS-109 (HST-03B) - 1

STS-110 (8A) - 3

The 9/28/01 RDR call will address STS-108 RDR’s on the boot fit, Phase VI glove restraint hole, Phase VI glove heater element, missing and crazed anodize primary regulator, and DCM volume potentiometer. A special 9/28/01 RDR call will address the regulator leaking through vent.

There are 34 open certification items for STS-108 (UF1). It is anticipated that 80% of these items will come off the list by the next EEB. HSSI is working toward getting certification on these items by CoFR1.

There are 12 open certification items for STS-109 (HST-03B), with cert due to S&MA 10/17/01.

There are four open certification items for STS-110 (8A). A system level cert is being worked on the EVARM dosimeter pocket.

  1. On-Orbit Limited Life Status — NT/Rod Toler

The On-Orbit Limited Life Status is scheduled for presentation to the EEB on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month; however, this item was presented on 9/19/01.

  1. USA Limited Life Status — USA/Nancy Jeanne Neason

No new items have been added to the USA Limited Life Status report.

  1. On-Orbit FIAR’s/DR’s — XA/Kristin O’Brien
  2. This item was not presented.

  3. Funds Transfer Status XA/Janice Hall

No funding transfers were reported.


  1. EMU Rotation Plan (H7130) — HSWL/Donna Ray
  2. Updates to the EMU Rotation Plan are scheduled for presentation to the EEB on the last Wednesday of the month; however, this is on hold pending the SSP and ISS 9A and 11A Tiger Team results.

  3. USA SAFER Flight Logistics Plan (H-0933) — XA/Anh Huynh

Revision 5 to the USA SAFER Flight Logistics Plan was presented. Changes reflect the latest ISS flight manifest changes in SSCN 5644 and logistics constraint of no SAFER rotation on the 11A crew rotation flight. Duration of SAFER on-orbit stay will exceed the 9-month planning guide on UF1 (9.4 months), 8A (10.5 months), UF2 (10.2 months), ULF-1 (9.2 moths), and 9A.1 (9.2 months), but will remain within the 12-month cert limit. XA/Anh Huynh was requested to coordinate with ER to extend the SAFER shelf life beyond 12 months. A CR will be initiated for this effort to be done within sustaining engineering.

Specific changes are:

  • Rotate 1 unit on 9A, STS-112. S/N 1004 up and S/N 1005 down.

  • No SAFER rotation on 11A, STS-113.

  • Substitute S/N 1003 down instead of S/N 1005, and S/N 1007 up instead of S/N 1004 on ULF-1, STS-114.

  • Move 9A.1 after 10A, STS-121.

  • Rotate 1 unit on 9A.1. S/N 1003 up, S/N 1004 down, and S/N 1005 on-orbit.

  • Substitute 15A, STS-120 for UF4.

Decision: Approve.

  1. IFA Status — XA/Glenn Lutz

STS-104-5: Initiate DR on RET’s returned on STS-104. A new due date of 10/3/01 was assigned.

  1. EEB Actions Status — XA/Glenn Lutz
  2. The following actions were statused:

    Action 8/29/01-1: Investigate any effects to the EMU hardware from helmet lights being left installed on the helmets.

    A plan is in place to do quadrennial inspections.

    Action 8/15/01-1: MOD to confirm current operational constraints associated with OIH installation and review training procedures to assure that all training of astronauts is in accordance with the established procedures (ref: 7A crew violation of procedures).

    DX32/Randy McDaniel has plans to E-mail the 8A crew and add a constraint to the EVA OCAD document.

  3. Request for 2 Additional LiOH Canisters on STS-110 — DX/Dina Barclay

A request for two additional LiOH canisters for STS-110 was presented. DX wants LiOH used on the 3rd EVA on STS-110, which is the reconfiguration of the SSRMS and the preparation for MT translation. EVA’s 1 and 2 will use LiOH, which are Category 1 objectives. DX has concerns over the use of Metox due to the higher than expected water usage during 7A. HSMS has documentation to support that Metox and LiOH are equivalent in water usage and that Metox is as good as LiOH for CO2 removal capability. HSSSI, MOD and XA are to discuss these concerns off line. If convinced the 3rd EVA can’t be completed with Metox, alternate methods will be reviewed. Until then, XA has concurred with the use of Metox on the 3rd EVA for STS-110.

  1. H7176F — EMU Hardware Identification — USA/Doug Davidson

Due to logistical requirements of sharing and swapping of EMU hardware, the following is required:

a. HSSSI to update FEMU-R requirements on identifying EMU hardware to accommodate the ISS environment.

b. HSSSI to update baseline and flight-specific ESEL’s to include the orbital replacement unit (ORU) EMU mission and national flag patch, EV identifiers, and crew identifiers into the EV Crew Options Kit.

c. USA to generate drawings and fabrication procedure for, and certify the ORU EMU mission and national flag patch.

d. USA to update drawings and procedure for the EV Crew Options Kit to include the ORU EMU mission and national flag patch, EV identifiers, and crew identifiers.

e. USA to provide ORU mission and national flag patch, EV identifiers, and crew identifies in accordance with the flight-specific ESEL.

Decision: Approve.

  1. H7179 — Waive LTA Boot to Universal Foot Restraint (UFR) Fitcheck — HS/Dave Etter
  2. This CCBD requests waiving the fitcheck of the LTA boot to the UFR for STS-108 (UF-1), STS-109 (HST), STS-110 (8A), and STS-111 (UF-2). The UFR fits the EMU and Orlan boot allowing a common foot restraint to be used. The UFR mounts on standard PFR hardware, making the interoperable articulating portable foot restraint (IAPFR). If the EMU boot could not fit into the UFR or has difficulty fitting into the UFR, the normal PFR could be used. Use of the normal ISS PFR would impact the EVA timeline to acquire the PFR. Both the EMU boot and the UFR are built by a controlled process and dimensionally checked during manufacture. Interface control drawings (ICD’s) for the UFR and EMU boot assure proper interface characteristic between parts. The UFR or IAPFR will not be used during STS-109 (HST).

    The following action was assigned:

    Action 9/26/01-1: Document how boots Hamilton Sundstrand sends to the field are in compliance with the ICD requirement.

    Actionee: HS/Dave Etter

    Due Date: 10/3/01

    Decision: Approve.

  3. H7145R1 — EMU SSA In-line Cable Voltage Regulator (ILCVR) Certification — HS/Charles Russo

This CCBD requests HSSSI to perform 24 cert thermal cycles as part of the certification to the ILCVR assembly. The cycling will be performed on the ILCVR cert unit, currently at ILC-Dover.

Decision: Approve.

No further items were brought forward, and the EEB adjourned.

Submitted by: Approved by:

(Original signed by) (Original signed by)

___________________________ ____________________________

Harriett Attaway Glenn C. LutzBrian Johnson

EEB Secretary Acting EEB Chairman


SpaceRef staff editor.