Europa Lander Open Forum

The Europa Science Definition Team (SDT) has been tasked by NASA Headquarters to consider a lander option for Europa. As part of the information gathering effort, the Europa SDT will solicit input from the scientific community at large. A Town Hall meeting consisting of presentations and discussion is scheduled for the afternoon immediately following the upcoming OPAG meeting in Pasadena, on Thursday October 20, from 1:30 to 5:00 pm. Please see:
Details from recent lander design studies will be presented, followed by community presentations and open discussion. Brief presentations are solicited relating to topics such as: potential science objectives and priorities, instrument techniques, landing environment and sites, sample handling, and astrobiological context.
Requests for brief (~5-minute) presentations on relevant topics will be accepted until the week of the event.
Interested parties unable to attend in person are encouraged to join electronically. Video conferencing details may be found at the OPAG web site:
Note that registration for OPAG does not confirm participation in the Forum.
Please forward questions or RSVP to Steve Vance (