ESMOS Status Meeting Minutes 28 May 2002
The ESMOS Status Meeting was conducted by K. Dolan at 1:00 PM May 28, 2002. The meeting was held in Room N202 in Building 32.
General Comments and Related Discussion:
Paul will be in a project management class for two weeks, starting next week. Ken will be attending a CALIPSO review on Thursday and Friday, June 6th and 7th.
No input from the Code 420 staff meeting.
Discussion of ESMOS Top Ten Issues
#1 — FY03 budget —SOMO backing out of funding networks, institutional support and technology programs. Revamp programs. Cover increased security costs: Code Y budget presentation was made; there were no repercussions.
#2 — Getting a contract in place to provide anomaly support from LMMS, SBRS, and L3COM: The L3COM issue is basically resolved. There is a revised statement of work for Lockheed. A telecon has been scheduled with Santa Barbara.
#3 —NISN/Code M line cost threat: Code M may end up having to provide the funding.
#4 — End of Mission planning for ERBS and UARS: There was a presentation to Mike Luther on ERBS; he ended up selecting an option that wasn’t on our list of proposed options. Decommissioning will be initiated after the maneuver in July with plans to complete by the end of the fiscal year. The ERBS scientists have an action item to provide the pros and cons of continuing the mission. Funds for additional planning were promised. The reengineering effort will continue at a slower pace.
#5 — Problem reprocessing ASTER data: Carlos provided Ken with an updated status. A planning meeting has been scheduled for next week to define the next steps for resolving this issue.
#6 — System vulnerabilities: Paul has been attending meetings on system vulnerabilities.
#7 — Space in Building 3/14 for EDOS development facility: UARS H/W was decommissioned and is being moved. The initial ERBS impact has been corrected.
#8 — Aqua Transition: The transition plan is coming.
#9 — DSMC transition NCC and WOTIS operations are moving to WSC during 2002: There is a NCC transition meeting tomorrow with the Terra and Aqua schedulers. The ORR is scheduled for June 11th at White Sands; there will be a telecon connection at GCP.
#10 — USGS has not provided money to cover FY02 Landsat-7 network costs. NASA has not budgeted for this cost: Waiting on updated paperwork.
Comments by K. McKenzie and Related Discussion:
Terra had a quiet week.
The two dumps per orbit test is planned to start on June 13th.
Comments by B. Guit and Related Discussion:
Aqua instruments are being activated.
A series of five Aqua burns are planned to achieve the operational orbit.
Comments by C. Sigman and Related Discussion:
There is a serious worm possibly embedded in several systems that we use including Microsoft Project, Access, VISIO, and ODIN Desktop Management S/W.
There has been a report of a Norway outage; waiting for a confirmation.
Comments by P. Johnson and Related Discussion:
The C7 analysis patch was received for Aqua.
Build 11 for Aqua is planned for the end of July/August time frame.
Comments by L. Kurzmiller and Related Discussion:
There was a Delta-V for TRMM on Saturday. It appears that the duration between burns is starting to spread out. The next burn is scheduled for Saturday, June 1st.
Cindi Adams
Phil Province
Warren Case
Bill Guion
Pat Johnson
Guy Cordier
Jim Elliott
Bill Guit
Lou Koschmeder
Lynn Myers
Ken Dolan
Lou Kurzmiller
Bob Kozon
Lucia Gayhart
Rick Hudson
Vickie Lopez
Ken Lehtonen
Victor Yocco
Ken McKenzie
Clayton Sigman