ESLAB 42: Cosmic Cataclysms and Life

ESRIN, Frascati, Italy
10-14 November 2008
Abstract submission deadline: 1 September 2008
A number of cataclysms have occurred in the history of the universe and the Solar System. The Symposium will review those that had a critical influence on the evolution of habitable worlds and on the emergence and survival of life on Earth, and possibly elsewhere.
Invited speakers L. Ziurys, J. Truran (Chicago), J. Blum (Braunschweig), J. Greaves (St. Andrews), A. Morbidelli (Nice), D. Kring (Arizona) , G. Horneck (Koln), D. Prieur (Brest), P. Ehrenfreund (Washington), K.-H. Glassmeier (Braunschweig), I. Ribas (Madrid), B. Thomas (Washburn), F. Selsis (Bordeaux), T. Owen (Hawaii), V. Trimble (Irvine), E. Pilat-Lohinger (Vienna)
Monday 10 November 2008
Introduction: Cosmic Cataclysms: the biological overview
Session 1: Big Bang and Nucleosynthesis
Tuesday 11 November 2008
Session 2: Star Formation and Synthesis of Molecules
Session 3: Planetary formation and the role of collisions
Wednesday 12 November 2008
Session 4: Late Heavy Bombardment, the Moon-Earth System and the Emergence of Life on Earth
Session 5: The Role of Impacts on Life
Thursday 13 November 2008
Session 6: Emergence and habitats of life in the Universe
Session 7: Hazards from the Sun, Stars and the universe and resilience of Life
Friday 14 November 2008
Session 8: Cosmic habitability, prevalence of Earth-like planets and the fate of the Earth
This symposium is an invitation to the wider scientific community to present and discuss in depth the science topics which constitute the broad themes mentioned above.
The program will include a number of invited talks, which will give an overview of the science themes, plus a number of contributed talks.
Important dates
- 20 March 2008 1st Announcement
- 1 May 2008 2nd Announcement
- 1 September 2008 Abstract Deadline
- 3 September 2008 Selection of papers/posters
- 10 September 2008 Final programme
- 10 September – 15 October 2008 Early Registration
- after 15 October 2008 Late Registration
- 29 September 2008 Hotel Reservation Deadline