ESA TV Service transmission in week 8 September 2003
The ESA TV transmissions in week 8 September 2003 will focus on the International Space Station and on Europe’s Galileo satellite navigation system.
On 9 September, the “ISS Update September 2003” will be transmitted, with replays on the day and on 13 September. This TV Exchange provides in addition to a brief overview of this global project, a report on where Europe’s participation in it is standing today, seven months after the Columbia accident.
On 12 September, an “Overview of Galileo” will in particular feature news 3-D graphics, as the centrepiece of an up-to-date presentation of Europe’s navigation system, the development of which is now steaming ahead at fast pace. Replays are scheduled for the same day and for 13 September.
For further information and a daily update of the transmission schedule, visit our website at For all enquires, contact Claus Habfast, Tel +31 71 565 3838, Fax +31 71 565 6340, e-mail