Status Report

ESA TV Service coveage of ENEIDE mission

By SpaceRef Editor
April 12, 2005
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Roberto Vittori will be the next ESA astronaut to fly to the International Space Station, on the 10-day Italian Soyuz mission, ENEIDE, scheduled for launch on 15 April at 00:45 GMT from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

Vittori will be accompanied by Sergei Krikalev from Roscosmios and John Phillips from NASA, who will begin a six-month visit to the ISS. Vittori will return to Earth on 25 April, with the current resident ISS crew.

The ESA TV Service will provide extensive coverage of the ENEIDE mission, as follows for the next five days (all times in GMT)

13/04 (Wed) 08:00-08:30 Eneide Rollout and Launch preperations

14/04 (Thu) 13:30-14:30 Eneide Crew News Conference

14/04 (Thu) 23:00-23:59 Eneide Final Pre-launch Images

15/04 (Fri) 00:01-01:00 Eneide Launch Live Coverage (clean feed)

15/04 (Fri) 04:00-04:30 Eneide launch day highlights

16/04 (Sat) 10:30-10:45 Replay 2: Eneide Mission Preview

17/04 (Sun) 02:00-02:30 Soyuz – ISS Docking Live Transmission

17/04 (Sun) 05:00-05:30 Soyuz to ISS Ingress Live Transmission

All (satellite) details are posted on the ESA TV Web site. A mailing with information on the feeds in during 18-27 April will be made on 15 April 2005, after the launch.

For further information and a daily update of the transmission schedule, visit our website at For all enquires, contact Claus Habfast, Tel +31 71 565 3838, Fax +31 71 565 6340, e-mail

SpaceRef staff editor.