Status Report

ESA TV Exchanges — info on feed of 18 May 2001

By SpaceRef Editor
May 17, 2001
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The next ESA TV Exchanges will be transmitted on:

Friday 18 May 2001

09:15-09:30 GMT

The feed will be transmitted by the European Commission’s “Europe by Satellite” (EbS) service. You can find the complete transmission schedule and download scripts and shot lists, also for ESA TV items, from the EbS Web site at

Please note the transmission parameters, on Eutelsat Hot Bird, below.

Background information on the transmission:

On 12 July 2001, ESA’s next-generation telecommunications satellite, Artenis (Advanced Relay and Technology Satellite) is scheduled for launch on Ariane 5.

The ESA TV Service is transmitting a series of pre-event Exchange Programmes with background footage. The ESA TV Service will also cover the launch preparations and launch extensively.

Today’s programme puts Artemis into the historic context of the development of satellite telecommunications since the launch of Sputnik in 1957, and into that of ESA’s space application activities. A soundbites by Pietro Lo Galbo, Head of ESA’s Telecommunications Department, outlines the progress made in satellite communications and ESA’s role in this segment dominated by commercial operators.

The “Europe by Satellite” transmission parameters are:


Horizontal, F=12,476 MHz (MCPC, Europe by Satellite)

SR=27,500 MS/sec, FEC=3/4

For further information and a daily update of the transmission schedule, visit our website at For all enquires, contact Claus Habfast, Tel +31 71 565 3838, Fax +31 71 565 6340, e-mail

SpaceRef staff editor.