EONS-14 Amendment 10.1 to Appendix K: Advanced STEM Training and Research (ASTAR) Fellowships
EONS-14 Amendment 10.1: New Program Element in Appendix K, NASA Office of Education Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) Advanced Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Training and Research (ASTAR) Fellowships:
– Three MUREP ASTAR Fellowships Opportunities were added from Stennis Space Center on February 26, 2015.
The NASA Office of Education Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) solicits proposals from students pursuing graduate degrees in NASA relevant STEM disciplines.
NASA OE MUREP ASTAR Fellowship seeks independently conceived fellowship proposals from student applicants, specifically in areas of projected deficiencies in the NASA future STEM workforce. Selected students will perform graduate student research at their respective campuses during the academic year as well as conduct research at a designated NASA field Center during an annual 10 – 15 week Center based research Experience (CBRE). Funding is provided for a maximum of three years. NASA OE MUREP ASTAR Fellowships:
– Financially support and advance individuals early in their careers in NASA related disciplines, who demonstrate the potential to contribute to NASA’s mission and NASA future STEM workforce, through the use of innovative research ideas;
– Increase the number of historically underrepresented and underserved populations, such as women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and veterans, pursuing advanced degrees in STEM disciplines;
– Develop a highly trained quadrat of researchers and scientists whose skills and competencies directly contribute to the Nation’s STEM work force.
NASA OE MUREP ASTAR objectives are to:
– Improve the Nation’s future STEM Workforce by developing the skills and competencies of graduate students pursuing degrees in STEM disciplines;
– Provide opportunities for a diverse population to participate and contribute to NASA’s missions and projects;
– Use NASA’s unique mission content, workforce, and facilities in order to enhance and increase the capabilities, diversity and size of the Nation’s next generation workforce needed to enable future NASA discoveries.
This Amendment creates Appendix K. Phase I Applications are requested by May 5, 2015, and Phase II Submissions are due July 25, 2015.
On February 26, 2015, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Education Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) 2014” NNH14ZHA001N will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at http://nspires.nasaprs.com/.
To find the updated solicitation, follow the steps:
on the homepage http://nspires.nasaprs.com/ go to Solicitations;
scroll down to Open Solicitations;
in the search window type ASTAR – you will be able to access the solicitation document.
Questions concerning Appendix K, NASA OE MUREP ASTAR Fellowships, may be directed to Brenda Collins, NASA OE Fellowships Manager, NASA Ames Research Center (ARC), E-mail:NASA.Fellowships@nasaprs.com.