EMU Panel Minutes 19 July 2000
The EMU Panel convened at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 19, 2000. Topics of discussion are as follows:
- Flight Readiness Review
- STS-106/2A.2b (S. Anderson – X39311)
- The ESEL revision will be presented at the panel on July 26. This should be completed before bench review.
- SSER testing is complete. Certification will be completed within ten days.
- A battery wet life waiver will be processed through the telecons and the EMU panel.
- Dosimeter certification information is still unavailable. This information is required ti issue an acceptability for use memo.
- SOP milestones have been added to the mission manager matrix.
- STS-92/3A (R. McDaniel X33787)
- Need to look at battery life for this flight.
- ETA chamber runs are currently under review due to SOP issues.
- Two tests remain to complete REBA certification.
- CM Shepherd requested for two DIDBs and a restraint bag to be flown on this flight.
- An I-146 waiver was presented to the LSS telecon on July 18, 2000.
- STS-97/ 4A (C. Donnellan – X35896)
- STS-98/ 5A (D. Oswald X39330)
- STS-102/ 5A.1 (S. Anderson X39311)
No issues to report.
No issues to report.
No issues to report.
II. PLSS and DCM Hardware Status
New ECD delivery dates and waiver information need to be incorporated in the charts. SEMU 1017 is no longer in a quarantine status. A status on this hardware, as related to flight issues, needs to be provided to Greg Harbaugh.
- For STS-106/2A.2b, there are twenty open RDRs. One of the RDR is being worked by USA. (B-EMU-100-A009.) RDR interim and closure dates need to be an adjusted to meet CoFR2. New processes of the Product Review Board at HSWL are impacting the flow of Interim closures. This issue needs to be resolved in order to meet flight requirements. Another failure is pending for the upper arms.
- For STS-92/3A, there are no open RDRs.
- For STS-97/4A, there are no open RDRs.
IV. Certification Status
- STS-106/2A.2b, there is one open certification item.
- For STS-92/3A, there are two open certification items.
- For STS-97/4A, there are five open certification items.
V. CCBDs and PPDOs
The following items were presented and directed as follows:
- H6756FR4 EMU Standard EVA Support Equipment List Approved.
- H7054 EMU LSS I-113 Primary and I-213 Secondary Pressure Control Modules Configuration Change Approved with changes.
- H6830R1 EMU LSS EEH J10 Connector Backshell Redesign Return to panel.
The following actions are open:
00-05 S. Cagle and M. Hembree/ At the next technical review (June/July), provide a status as to the progress of the team established to incorporate configuration control for USA FCE/EVA flight Data books. Due July 31, 2000.
00-22 J. Ferketic Review the CM plan regarding the YTN process versus what we are working to. Provide corrective action to improve the process. Present recommendations and findings at the LSS and SSA telecons prior to EMU Panel. Due May 31, 2000. Current process is not acceptable. Evaluate process change and return to EMU Panel. Due June 28, 2000. Deferred due to time limitations.
00-24 N. Lefferts Provide a schedule for IRCO2 replacements. Due August 9, 2000.
00-25 S. Dionne Present recommendation for improving the Service Instruction process to better include USA/FCE EVA. Due July 19, 2000. Deferred due to time limitations.
No actions were closed.
No new actions were assigned:
The next action number to be assigned is 00-26.
VII. Issues and Special Topics
- EC/5/M. Pantaleano 12 Volt Integration Continually working with USA on implementation status. Power harnesses are all built; however, there is a pending RDR. There will be a procedure change to check if pins are set in the connectors. This will be in place for future builds. Those already built will have a one-time test. All connectors need to be checked as the test is not currently in place at ILC Dover. This is only a missed step for the assembled 12 V and is not an issue for the three-volt configuration.
LAA and SEMU cables are delivered to USA, and copies of the approved EC have been provided. REBA certification is still open. The 100% fit check of all harnesses will be performed. TMG pouches are being provided by CTSD.
The RDR investigation is still in the early stages. Push test is a procedure step that was missed. NASA quality, NHB expert, suggested looking at the pushpin test required by the NHB.
Verify the push-test is in place for the EEH Lemo connectors.
Prepared by: Approved by:
(Original signed by)
Tami R. Ethridge Brian J. Johnson
EMU Configuration EMU Panel Chairman