Status Report

EMU Panel Minutes 16 August 2000

By SpaceRef Editor
August 16, 2000
Filed under

The EMU Panel convened at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, August 16, 2000. Topics of discussion are as follows:

  1. Flight Readiness Review

  1. STS-106/2A.2b (S. Anderson – X39311)

    1. SSER certification closed August 15, 2000.

    2. PLSS 1018 will receive the third SOP to be processed at USA.

    3. Crewman Lu’s arm brace is currently not certified. It was presented to the MV board accompanied by an EMU acceptability for use memo. EMU actions are complete. Certification needs to be coordinated with CB/Lisa Ristow.

    4. ETA runs are scheduled for August 23 and 24. There may be a requirement for a TRR for the arm brace.

    5. EVA check-out timeline is in work to support this flight.

  1. STS-92/3A (R. McDaniel — X33787)

    1. PLSS TMGs with power harnesses installed were delivered to USA.

    2. CoFR2 is scheduled for September 8, 2000.

    3. REBA battery certification testing is complete. The GCAR is in the approval loop.

    4. I-146 waiver (H7075) needs approval for USA to continue processing for this flight. This wavier is scheduled for the EMU Panel and the EHB on August 23.

  1. STS-97/ 4A (C. Donnellan – X35896)

    1. This is the first fight of the DIDB (Disposable In-suit Drink Bag) for EMU use.

    2. At this time there is no waiver required for the EMU Batteries for this flight.

  1. STS-98/ 5A (D. Oswald — X39330)
  2. No issues to report.

  3. STS-102/ 5A.1 (S. Anderson — X39311)

    1. A draft of the STS-102 ESEL is in work with XA.

  1. STS-109/HST-3B

    1. A draft of the STS-109 ESEL is in work with XA.

    2. The current EVA plan for this flight is five (5) scheduled, one (1) unscheduled, and two (2) contingency EVAs.


II. PLSS and DCM Hardware Status




IV. Certification Status


V. CCBDs and PPDOs

The following items were presented and directed as follows:

    • H7028 — EMU LSS Battery Wet-Life Extension — Deferred.

    • H7065 — EMU LSS EEH Wiring and Soldering Deviation — Return to EMU Panel.

    • H7076 — EMU SSA Documentation Update for New Fresnel Lens — Return to EMU Panel.

    • H6980R1 — EMU LSS Incorporation of Alternate SOP Pressure Transducer I-215 — Approved with changes.

    • H7080 — EMU Program 100% Fit Check Requirement for Flight Hardware — Return to EMU Panel.

    • H7075 — EMU LSS Waive Useful Life of Five I-146 Positive Pressure Relief Valves — Deferred.

    • H7044R1 — EMU LSS CWS Redesign Effort — Outside of Panel.

    • H7072 — EMU SSA Standard Repair Procedure for Looptape Base Cloth Windowing. Deferred.



The following actions are open:

00-22 J. Ferketic — Review the CM plan regarding the YTN process versus what we are working to. Provide corrective action to improve the process. Present recommendations and findings at the LSS and SSA telecons prior to EMU Panel. Due May 31, 2000. Current process is not acceptable. Evaluate process change and return to EMU Panel. Due June 28, 2000.

00-24 N. Lefferts — Provide a schedule for IRCO2 replacements. Due August 9, 2000.

00-25 S. Dionne — Present recommendation for improving the Service Instruction process to better include USA/FCE EVA. Due July 19, 2000.

00-26 M. Puskar — Provide a plan to re-certify the remaining batteries as risk mitigation to the advanced battery. Due August 16, 2000.

00-27 M. Puskar — Provide a plan to update battery certification to 270 days. Due September 6, 2000.

No actions were closed.

No new actions were assigned:

The next action number to be assigned is 00-26.

VII. Issues and Special Topics

DX/C. Yates — EMU Equipment Bag – Deferred



Prepared by: Approved by:

(Original signed by) (Original signed by)

Tami R. Ethridge Brian J. Johnson

EMU Configuration EMU Panel Chairman

SpaceRef staff editor.