Status Report

Electronic Professional Development Network Courses

By SpaceRef Editor
July 21, 2011
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NASA’s Learning Environments and Research Network and the Georgia Institute of Technology have teamed up to create the Electronic Professional Development Network, or e-PDN, an initiative dedicated to preparing K-12 teachers to engage their students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM through the use of NASA-developed learning materials and resources.

If you are looking for a way to enhance your instructional skills, meet your professional development goals, or find new and exciting resources to use in your learning environments, apply to one of our free courses today!

Applications are now open for the following courses starting in September:

Don’t Just Show Me the Numbers; Make Sense of the Information — Sept. 14 – Oct. 18, 2011
Strengthen your understanding of the statistics content included in the Common Core Standards, while deepening your understanding of data analysis, sampling and inference. Participants will use the four-step investigative approach for problem solving using statistics. Learn to use online interactive applications, NASA data sets and electronic collaborative tools for data collection.

SpaceRef staff editor.