Status Report

Electric current evolution at the footpoints of solar eruptions

By SpaceRef Editor
April 21, 2020
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Krzysztof Barczynski, Guillaume Aulanier, Miho Janvier, Brigitte Schmieder, Sophie Masson

Electric currents play a critical role in the triggering of solar flares and their evolution. The aim of the present paper is to test whether the surface electric current has a surface or subsurface fixed source as predicts the circuit approach of flare physics, or is the response of the surface magnetic field to the evolution of the coronal magnetic field as the MHD approach proposes. Out of all 19 X-class flares as observed by SDO from 2011 to 2016 near the disk center, we analyzed the only 9 eruptive flares for which clear ribbon-hooks were identifiable. Flare ribbons with hooks are considered to be the footprints of eruptive flux ropes in MHD flare models. For the first time, fine measurements of time-evolution of electric currents inside the hooks in the observations as well as in the OHM 3D MHD simulation are performed. Our analysis shows a decrease of the electric current in the area surrounded by the ribbon hooks during and after the eruption. We interpret the decrease of the electric currents as due to the expansion of the flux rope in the corona during the eruption. Our analysis brings a new contribution to the standard flare model in 3D.

Comments: 27 pages, 10 figures; Accepted for publication in ApJ (13 April 2020)

Subjects: Solar and Stellar Astrophysics (astro-ph.SR)

Cite as: arXiv:2004.07990 [astro-ph.SR](or arXiv:2004.07990v1 [astro-ph.SR] for this version)

Submission history

From: Krzysztof Barczynski 

[v1] Thu, 16 Apr 2020 23:21:09 UTC (3,036 KB)

SpaceRef staff editor.