Education Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) FY2019 – Call for Peer Reviewers
NASA is seeking peer reviewers for the ‘MUREP Aerospace High-Volume Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management’ solicitation, a program element listed under Education Opportunities in NASA STEM 2019 (EONS-2019).
Peer review is a critical component of the decision-making process for awarding projects. By engaging individuals with different backgrounds, perspectives and areas of expertise in the review process, your participation will assist in identifying high-quality projects.
Information about proposal requirements and evaluation criteria can be found on the EONS-2019 page in the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES).
Specifics about the ‘MUREP Aerospace High-Volume Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management’ opportunity can be found on the EONS-2019 Appendix H page in NSPIRES.
Interested in being a Peer Reviewer?
Reviewers will be selected based on the subject matter of the proposals received; therefore, your willingness to participate in this particular peer review does not guarantee selection. If you are selected, you will be notified via email, with detailed instructions on the process.
The peer review process is completed in two stages:
- Stage 1: Online Review. The proposals are first reviewed individually and anonymously online. Proposals have a 15 page limit for narrative and every effort is made to assign no more than 5 proposals per online reviewer.
- Stage 2: Panel Review. Shortly after the online review, a panel will convene to discuss the proposals and identify those suggested for funding. The length of the panel varies depending on the number of proposals to be discussed. Most panels are scheduled for 2-4 days.
Important Dates
The ONLINE REVIEW period is scheduled for September 3-15, 2019.
Non-civil servant online reviewers will receive $75 for each complete review submitted in NSPIRES before September 15th.
The 3-4 day PANEL REVIEW will take place the week of September 23, 2019.
Non-civil servant panelists will receive a $200/per day honorarium.
How to register as a Peer Reviewer.
Responses to the EONS Request for Reviewer Information, must be submitted electronically using the “Notice of Intent (NOI)” module within the NSPIRES system. We request your response by August 14, 2019.
To serve as a reviewer, you are required to register with NSPIRES and are asked to familiarize themselves with its structure and enter the requested identifier information. To register for an account, go to
If you have already created a profile using this format in response to a different EONS opportunity and your expertise matches our needs, you will be added to the reviewer pool. Being added to the reviewer pool does not obligate you to serve as a reviewer; you will be able to officially accept or decline in a future correspondence.
Creating Your Response.
The specific objective of this request is to identify subject matter experts willing to assist with the review of applications submitted in response to the EONS FY2019 Appendix H: MUREP Aerospace High-Volume Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management opportunity. To initiate a response:
- Log in to NSPIRES (
external/ ) using your user name and password - Access “Proposals/NOIs”
- Click on the “Create NOI” button on the right side of the screen, and click Continue
- Select ‘Education Opportunities in NASA STEM 2019 (EONS-FY2019): Request for Reviewer Information’, and click Continue
- For “NOI Title” enter your name, and click Continue
- On the “SUBMITTING ORGANIZATION” page, click on the “Do Not Link At This Time’’ button, and click Save
- On the “VIEW NOI” page, click the “Program Specific Data” link found in the “NOI Details” table
- Click the “Edit” button to enter your information and click the ‘Confirm’ button when finished. After pressing the ‘Confirm’ button, the page will require you to press ‘OK’
- To upload a CV or biographical summary, click the ‘Add’ button for NOI Attachments. Document must be saved as a PDF.
- When complete, click the ‘Submit NOI’ button
- Click “Continue” to proceed with submission
- To continue with submittal, click on “SUBMIT” again to confirm. To return to the NOI, click “Back to NOI”
Some of the functionality of NSPIRES uses terminology that does not correspond precisely to the collection of RFI data. For instance, when submitting responses, submitters will be prompted to “Access ‘Proposals/NOIs’ in the NSPIRES Options Page.”
It is important to note that the use of the terms “Proposals” and “Notices of Intent (NOI)” in these instructions does not mean that NASA is inviting proposals or offers in response to this specific RFI.
You do not have to affiliate with an organization and do not have to have an authorized organizational representative submit on their behalf.
Providing information does not commit you to serve, nor will NASA be obligated to use you as a reviewer for this opportunity.
For Assistance
Inquiries regarding this request should be submitted via email to
Requests for assistance in accessing and/or using the NSPIRES website may be submitted by email to or by telephone to (202) 479-9376, Monday through Friday (8:00 AM–6:00 PM Eastern Time).
FAQs on NSPIRES may be accessed through the Proposal Online Help site at