DPS Mailing #01-19: Survey Committee Panels Appointed
Solar System Exploration Survey Committee Panels Appointed
Much of the initial work of the Solar System Exploration Survey
Committee will be conducted via its component panels. Each panel will
consists of a chair, a vice chair (who is also a member of the Survey
Committee) and four additional members. The panel will prepare reports
summarize current understanding in their respective areas and will
identify and prioritize the most important scientific issues that need
to be addressed in the next decade. These panel reports will be
forwarded to the Survey Committee and used to determine
solar-system-wide priorities for the next decade. The report of each
panel will appear as a chapter in the Survey Committee’s final report.
On 14 May, the chair of the National Research Council approved the slate
of candidates proposed for the panels by the Space Studies Board. These
individuals are currently being contacted. Those who have already
indicated their willingness to serve, pending the completion of NRC
formalities, are as follows:
Inner Planets
- Carle’ Pieters–Brown University-Chair
- Ronald Greeley–Arizona State University–Vice-chair
- Bradley Jolliff–Washington University
- Ann Sprague–University of Arizona
- Ellen Stofan (Proxemy Research)
- One appointments outstanding
- Ronald Greeley–Arizona State University–Vice-chair
Giant Planets
- Reta Beebe–New Mexico State University–Chair
- Andrew Ingersoll–California Institute of Technology–Vice-chair
- Thomas W. Hill–Rice University
- Julianne Moses–Lunar and Planetary Institute
- Gerald Schubert–University of California, Los Angeles
- Amanda Bosh–Lowell Observatory
- Andrew Ingersoll–California Institute of Technology–Vice-chair
Large Satellites
- Alfred McEwen–University of Arizona–Chair
- Robert Pappalardo–University of Colorado–Vice-chair
- Caitlin Griffith–Northern Arizona University
- Torrence Johnson–Jet Propulsion laboratory
- Krishan Khurana–University of California, Los Angeles
- William Moore–University of California, Los Angeles
- Robert Pappalardo–University of Colorado–Vice-chair
Primitive Bodies
- Dale Cruikshank–Ames Research Center–Chair
- Michael A’Hearn–University of Maryland–Vice-chair
- Alan Stern–Southwest Research Institute
- Michael Zolensky–Johnson Space Center
- Two appointments outstanding
- Michael A’Hearn–University of Maryland–Vice-chair
Because the Survey Committee was specifically charged by NASA to pay
special attention to the exploration of Mars and to incorporate the
results of an on-going study on Mars science and mission priorities
being conducted by the Committee on Planetary and Lunar Exploration
(COMPLEX), COMPLEX will act as the Survey Committee’s Mars panel. The
Mars exploration priorities identified by COMPLEX will be forwarded to
the Survey Committee for prioritization along with the results from the
deliberations of the other four panels. For symmetry with the other
panels, Survey-Committee member John F. Mustard (Brown University) had
been designated vice-chair of the “Mars panel”. COMPLEX chair John
Wood (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) will chair the “Mars
The remaining members of the panels will be announced in the near future.
David H. Smith, Study Director (DHSmith@nas.edu)
Solar System Exploration Survey Committee
Nick Schneider, on behalf of the DPS Committee
(submissions to Al Harris: awharris@lithos.jpl.nasa.gov)