Status Report

Doppler Images of the RS CVn Binary HR 1099 (V711 Tau) from the MUSICOS 1998 Campaign

By SpaceRef Editor
March 9, 2003
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Astrophysics, abstract

From: David Garcia-Alvarez <>
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 00:43:42 GMT (270kb)

Doppler Images of the RS CVn Binary HR 1099 (V711 Tau) from the MUSICOS
1998 Campaign

D. Garcia-Alvarez (1),
J.R. Barnes (2),
A. Collier Cameron (2),
J.G. Doyle (1),
S. Messina (3),
A.F. Lanza (3),
M. Rodono (4) ((1) Armagh Observatory, (2) University of St Andrews, (3) Catania Astrophysical Observatory, (4) Catania University)

Comments: 12 pages, 9 figures. Accepted by A&A

We present Doppler Images of the RS CVn binary system HR 1099 (V711

Tau) from spectra taken in two different sites, KPNO and MSO, during the
MUSICO S 1998 campaign. Contemporaneous APT photometry is used to constrain the
Doppler Images. The resulting maximum entropy reconstructions based on the
least-square s deconvolved profiles, derived from $sim$2000 photospheric
absorption lines, r eveal the presence of starspots at medium-high latitudes.
We have obtained maps for both components of the binary system for the first
time. The predominant str ucture in the primary component is an off-centered
polar spot, confirming previo us works on the same target by using independent
codes. The result is verified b y using both data sets independently. The lower
spectral resolution data set giv es a less detailed map for the MSO data set.
The images obtained for the seconda ry component show a low latitude spot
around orbital phase 0.7. This spot seems to mirror the structure seen on the
primary. It might suggest that tidal forces may influence the spot distribution
on this binary system.

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References and citations for this submission:

SLAC-SPIRES HEP (refers to ,
cited by, arXiv reformatted)

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