Delta/MAP launch weather forcast
Forecast: Late morning thunderstorms will gradually move inland during the
afternoon. Upper level winds will remain relatively light with detached
anvil clouds not moving far from parent storms. These thunderstorms could
have an impact on late morning and early afternoon countdown activities.
After the thunderstorms move inland, the proximity of thunderstorm anvil
clouds will be a concern.
At 3:46 p.m. on Saturday the forecast is:
Clouds: Scattered at 3,000 and 28,000 feet
Visibility: 7+ miles
Wind: SE/10-12 knots
Temperature: 87 degrees
Relative Humidity: 68%
Probability of launch weather criteria violation: 40%
Probability with 24 hour delay: 40%
Probability with 48 hour delay: 40%
Sunrise: 6:29 a.m.
Sunset: 8:23 p.m.
Forecast prepared by USAF 45th Weather Squadron