Delivering a Revitalised Innovation and Growth Strategy for the UK Space Sector
The UK Space Agency and the space industry have kick-started a programme to look at the next stage of work to deliver the Innovation and Growth Strategy.
Following the successful implementation of recommendations from the 2010 strategy, a joint team lead by the Agency and industry are revisiting the objectives, identifying the key markets that must be addressed and determining further industry and government actions.
This major project is engaging dozens of experts and will culminate in a series of regional engagement workshops in autumn 2013 to test the highest priority recommendations. Where appropriate, key actions will be fed into future Agency planning.
With the initial theme group activities completed, the provisional findings and recommendations will be presented at the UK Space Conference next week (16 – 17 July). This will be followed by consultation sessions in September in Belfast, Cardiff, London, Edinburgh and Manchester. The consultation period will allow maximum feedback from interested parties and enable the team to gather some ‘direct’ regional feedback.
The final report and implementation plan will be published in October 2013.