Status Report

Deep Impact – Scientists Applaud Cosmic Collision / ESA TV Exchanges / 08-07-2005

By SpaceRef Editor
July 7, 2005
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The next transmission of the ESA TV Service will be:

08-Jul-05 09:15 – 09:30 GMT

Deep Impact – Scientists Applaud Cosmic Collision

ESA TV Exchanges

Background information on the transmission:

Replay I: 8 July 15:00-15:15 GMT

Replay II: 9 July 10:30-10:45 GMT

On 4 July, the Deep Impact mission surpassed expectations as the flyby spacecraft looked back towards the receding comet, sending images of the collision back to the mission team and astronomers the world over that left them lost for words.

During the following hours, observations from ground- and space-based telescopes provided a wealth of additional data, and first new science as well.

The Deep Impact mission also was a significant precursor ESA’s Rosetta mission that will, in nine years from now, orbit a comet during two years, and eventually deposit a lander on it.

Today’s transmission provides a highlight edit of events on 4-5 July, with many of the stills of observations having been animated into video sequences.

Preview files are online under (quicktime, 13 MB) and (Media Player 4 MB)

The script is online as a PDF file under

This ESA TV Exchanges feed is transmitted by the European Commission’s “Europe by Satellite” (EbS) service. You can find the complete transmission schedule and download scripts and shot lists, also for ESA TV items, from the EbS Web site at

More background information can be found on

Transmission details:EUTELSAT HOT BIRD at 13° East (DVB/MPEG-2)

Horizontal, F=12,476 MHz (MCPC, Europe by Satellite)

SR=27,500 MS/sec, FEC=3/4

For further information, visit our website at For other enquires, contact Claus Habfast, Tel +31 71 565 3838, Fax +31 71 565 6340, e-mail

SpaceRef staff editor.