CSA Invitation to Mission STS-118 Media Events

Longueuil, Quebec, August 9, 2007 – Media representatives are invited to attend special events and media briefings during mission STS-118, which will have Canadian Astronaut Dave Williams aboard. CSA spokespersons will be available for interviews and discuss activities.
Time, dates and events given here are subject to change without prior notice. Please contact the Media Relations team to confirm the schedule.
Please note: The CSA Conference Centre will be accessible at all times to media representatives who may wish to follow mission STS-118 activities via NASA TV.
August 8
Flight Day 1
Invitation to the launch event; Steve MacLean comments on the mission and CSA spokespersons are available.
Canadian Space Agency, Longueuil, Quebec
August 11
Flight Day 4
Astronaut Williams conducts his first spacewalk. Comments by Chris Hadfield.
Canadian Space Agency, Longueuil, Quebec
August 13
Flight Day 6
Astronaut Williams conducts his second spacewalk. Comments by Chris Hadfield.
Saskatchewan Science Centre, Regina, Saskatchewan
August 16
Flight Day 9
Crew press conference downlink
Question period from CSA
(pre-registered reporters only)
Canadian Space Agency, Longueuil, Quebec
August 17
Flight Day 10
Astronaut Williams conducts his third spacewalk. Steve MacLean comments.
Canadian Space Agency, Longueuil, Quebec
* August 21
Flight Day 14
VIP Downlink — Students in La Ronge, Saskatchewan pose questions to Astronaut Williams. Northlands College
La Ronge
August 22
Flight day 15
Shuttle Endeavour lands —
Comments by Steve MacLean
Canadian Space Agency, Longueuil, Quebec
* NASA will be testing a new power transfer system that will enable the Shuttle to tap about 8 KW from the ISS power system. This should enable the orbiter to remain docked to the station. NOTE: NASA will confirm the SSPTS activation and mission extension to 14 days. To schedule interviews with spokespersons, please contact the Media Relations team by telephone at 450-926-4370.
For more information on mission STS-118, please visit: www.space.gc.ca/sts-118.
Video sequences, animations and pictures are available at: ftp://ftpsts118.space.gc.ca/users/jjanu/pub/