Status Report

Correspondence Regarding NASA IG Cobb Between the President’s Council on Integrity and Efficency and The Integrity Committee

By SpaceRef Editor
April 5, 2007
Filed under

Editor’s note: The first letter, from Clay Johnson, Chairman of the President’s Council on Integrity and Efficency to James Burrus, Chairman of the Integrity Committee, asks Burrus to confirm a number of things with regard to NASA IG Robert Cobb:

“First, I asked for clarification of whether the Integrity Committee concluded that Mr. Cobb had broken any laws or acted illegally. You reported that he had not. Instead, the conclusions of the Integrity Committee related to management and appearance concerns.

Second, I asked for clarification as to whether all of the members of the Integrity Committee shared a common view about what would be the appropriate way to address the concerns raised about Mr. Cobb, and you indicated that there had been a range of views.

Third, I asked for clarification as to whether the Integrity Committee was not itself recommending removal as a disciplinary action against Mr. Cobb, and you told me that no such recommendation was being made by the Integrity Committee.

I also noted hat the original report does not appear to make an actual recommendation about steps to be taken in light of the Integrity Committee report’s findings about Mr. Cobb’s actions, and you confirmed that I read that correctly.

Please confirm that I have accurately summarized our conversation on these points.”

Burrus’ response states that Johnson’s letter “accurately reflects our discussions and the intent ofthe Integrity Committee.”



SpaceRef staff editor.