Comet ISON Observer’s Workshop
I am pleased to invite you the Comet ISON Observer’s Workshop. In order to facilitate the maximal observing of ISON, we will be holding a 2-day pre-encounter workshop at JHU/APL on 1-2 August 2013. The meeting’s overarching goal is to maximize the scientific return from ISON’s 2013 apparition. Confirmed speakers to date include Fast, Green, and Johnson of NASA HQ and Schrijver, Feaga, Fernandez, Knight, Lisse, and Wooden of our comet community.
All interested parties are welcome to attend and discuss their observing plans and needs, and what is currently known about the comet. The format of the meeting will maximize group discussion and communication. There is no cost for attending this meeting, and a light breakfast and afternoon snacks will be served. Pre-registration using the Registration page linked to:
is required for attendance. Nearby hotels and restaurants are listed on the linked Lodging and Accommodations page.
We look forward to seeing you at a lively and informative meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email.
Dr. Carey M. Lisse