Status Report

Chandra Operations CXO Status Report 7 June 2002

By SpaceRef Editor
June 7, 2002
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During the last week the observing schedule was replanned to include an observation of the Gamma Ray Burster GRB020531 that was accepted as a pre-approved Target Of Opportunity (TOO) on 3 June. The schedule was replanned to include the 20ks observation without significant impact to the existing target sequence.

During the uplink of the TOO loads on June 4, a ground system software problem was detected that resulted in an invalid command load being uplinked to the spacecraft. The invalid load was rejected by the OBC without operational impact. A workaround to avoid the problem has been implemented while the software is being diagnosed.

Two Chandra press releases were issued last week in conjunction with the AAS held in Albuquerque, NM. The first on June 4 describes the detection of an unexpectedly large number of neutron stars and black holes in elliptical galaxies. The second on June 6 announced the detection of features that may be the first direct evidence of the effect of gravity on radiation from a neutron star. For further details, see:

The observing schedule for the next week is shown below and includes a followup observation of the TOO GRB020531.

Radiation Belts                     Jun 10 
PSS 1338+2218          ACIS-S
A1795                  ACIS-S
GRB020531 (TOO)        ACIS-I
NGC 5954               ACIS-S
AQL X-1                ACIS-S
SN2001IG               ACIS-S       Jun 11
PKS2155-304 (3 obs)    ACIS-S/LETG
Radiation Belts                     Jun 12
Trifid Nebula          ACIS-I
1E 1740.7-2942         ACIS-S/HETG  Jun 13
IRAS16293              ACIS-I
A907                   ACIS-I       Jun 14
MACSJ1131.8-1955       ACIS-I
Radiation Belts
NGC 3955               ACIS-S       Jun 15
NGC 4782/3             ACIS-S
NGC4698                ACIS-S       Jun 16
Quest 1533-0346        ACIS-S

All spacecraft subsystems continued to operate nominally.

SpaceRef staff editor.