Status Report

Chandra Operations CXO Status Report 1 Feb 2002

By SpaceRef Editor
February 1, 2002
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During the last week the observing schedule was replanned to include an observation of the Gamma-ray Burster GRB020127 that was accepted as a Target Of Opportunity (TOO) on 29 Jan following its detection in outburst.

Preparations for the spring 2002 earth eclipse season were completed and Chandra passed through the first eclipse with nominal power and thermal performance. The season will extend from 31 Jan to Feb 24 with 3 short eclipses ranging in duration from 19 to 35 minutes and 7 medium eclipses ranging from 41 to 56 minutes. A real-time procedure is planned to clear a glitch counter that incremented due to a known timing condition during eclipse exit.

Of note last week was the Chandra User Committee meeting held at the CXC on Jan 31 and Feb 1.

The observing schedule starting with the TOO GRB020127 and showing the targets for next week is shown below. The schedule includes an observation of M31 coordinated with HST.

GRB020127 (TOO)         ACIS-S       Jan 31
Beta Cru                ACIS-S/HETG
YY Men, HD 32918        ACIS-S/HETG  Feb 1  
Radiation Belts                      Feb 2  
GX 301-2                ACIS-S/HETG  Feb 3  
SAX J1747.0-2853        ACIS-S/HETG  Feb 4
XTE J1650-500           ACIS-S/HETG
IM Normae               ACIS-S
HD104237                ACIS-I
HD100546 (2 obs)        ACIS-I
TOLOLO 0109-383         ACIS-S
NGC 1482                ACIS-S
HS0218+3707             ACIS-S       Feb 5
Radiation Belts
CAS A                   HRC-I        Feb 6
CAS A (2 obs)           ACIS-S
CAS A                   ACIS-I
M31-T3                  ACIS-I
AX J0058.7+3019         ACIS-S
HS0219+1452             ACIS-S
PSS0121+0347            ACIS-S       Feb 7
AX J0140.1+0628         ACIS-S
AX J0144.9-0345         ACIS-S
MACSJ0242.5-2132        ACIS-I
MACSJ0429.6-0253        ACIS-I
SDSS075618+410408       ACIS-S
Radiation Belts                      Feb 8  
Maddalena's Cloud       ACIS-I
NGC 2264                ACIS-I       Feb 9
IRAM04191               ACIS-I
CL 0442+0202            ACIS-I
MACSJ0520.7-1328        ACIS-I       Feb 10

All spacecraft subsystems continued to operate nominally.

SpaceRef staff editor.