Status Report

Chandra Digest (June 11): AAS update

By SpaceRef Editor
June 11, 2002
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Exciting Chandra results on elliptical galaxies & neutron stars were on
display at the 200th American Astronomical Society (AAS) meeting, held
in Albuquerque, NM, from June 2-6:

**1E 1207.4-5209:

X-rays Probe Gravitational Field Of A Neutron Star**

With NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, astronomers have detected
features that may be the first direct evidence of the effect of gravity
on radiation from a neutron star. This finding, if confirmed, could
enable scientists to measure the gravitational field of neutron stars
and determine whether they contain exotic forms of matter not seen on Earth.

**NGC 4697, NGC 4649, and NGC 1553:

Black Holes In Distant Galaxies Point To Wild Youth**
Like ‘flower power’ tattoos on aging ex-hippy baby boomers, unexpectedly
large numbers of neutron stars and black holes in elliptical galaxies
suggest some of these galaxies lived through a much wilder youth. The
discovery by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory may require a revision of
how elliptical galaxies evolved.


++ Major Milestones in X-ray Astronomy

In 1962, a team of scientists used a small X-ray detector to discover
Scorpius X-1, the first source of X-rays outside our solar system. Forty
years later, over 100,000 X-ray sources have been detected, the most
distant of which is 13 billion light years from Earth.

++ All recent New & Noteworthy features are available at

SpaceRef staff editor.