Status Report

CBD: NASA: Research Opportunities in Space Science – 2002

By SpaceRef Editor
January 10, 2002
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Primary Sponsor: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Deadline: 3/21/2002; 2/14/2003

Solicitation Number NRA-02-OSS-01

Response Due: 3/21/2002

Point of Contact: J. David Bohlin, Senior Program Executive, Phone (202) 358-0880, Fax (202) 358-3097, Email


This NRA solicits proposals for supporting research and technology across a broad range of space science program elements relevant to one or more of the four defined OSS science themes, entitled Astronomical Search for Origins, Solar System Exploration, Structure and Evolution of the Universe, and The Sun-Earth Connection. Proposal due dates are scheduled starting on March 21, 2002, and continue through February 14, 2003. Electronically submitted Notices of Intent to propose are requested for all program elements, with the first such due date being February 25, 2002.

The electronic submission of each proposal’s Cover Page/Proposal Summary and Budget Summary is required by the respective due dates for proposal submission. Participation is open to all categories of organizations, foreign and domestic, including educational institutions, industry, nonprofit organizations, NASA centers, and other Government agencies. Further information about specific program elements may be obtained from the individual OSS Discipline Scientists listed for each program element in this NRA, while questions concerning general NRA policies and procedures may be directed to Dr. J. David Bohlin, Sun-Earth Connection Division, Code SS, Office of Space Science, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546-0001; phone: 202/358-0880.

This NASA Research Announcement (NRA) is a broad agency announcement as specified in FAR 6.102 (d)(2). NRA 02-OSS-01, entitled “Research Opportunities in Space Science – 2002,” will be available on or about January 28, 2002, by opening the NASA Office of Space Science (OSS) homepage at on the World Wide Web and then linking through the menu listings “Research Solicitations” to “Current (Open) Solicitations”.

Contracting Office
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center,
NASA Headquarters Acquisition Branch,
Code 210.H,
Greenbelt, MD 20771

SpaceRef staff editor.