Status Report

CBD: Advanced Propulsion Concept Development (PRESOL)

By SpaceRef Editor
February 11, 2002
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Primary Sponsor: Air Force Research Laboratory
Deadline: 3/25/2002



DUE 032502

POC Mary Lykins, Contract Negotiator, Phone (937) 656-9752, Fax (937) 255-4434, – Rebecca Maddox, Contracting Officer, Phone (937) 256-9626, Fax (937) 255-4434

Air Force Research Laboratory, Propulsion Directorate (AFRL/PR) solicits research proposals for the Advanced Propulsion Concept Development Program. The objective of this program is to investigate high impact technology concepts involving combustors, other hot section components, fuels, materials and control methodologies that can lead to the development and demonstration of affordable, advanced high-performance, low-emissions engines that have application to current and future aero and aerospace propulsion and power systems.

This program will focus on innovative concepts that enable advanced air-breathing engines for aircraft, missiles, power systems, and hybrid engines for dual-stage, affordable-access to space. This program shall couple advanced propulsion concepts of interest to the Air Force and industry with the in-house research being conducted by the Turbine Engine Division High Impact Technology (HIT) team and with the combined cycle engine (CCE) research being conducted by the Aerospace Propulsion Office.

The contractor shall conduct studies that: (a) identify performance and life cycle cost advantages of advanced propulsion concepts and (b) identify component technologies that need to be developed so the advanced concept canSciedemonstrated.

The successful contractor shall work with the Air Force HIT team and/or the CCE team and on-site Air Force contractors to evaluate these concepts, with the Air Force performing the experiments and the contractor participating in the following ways: (a) identifying operating conditions of advanced systems and system components; (b) developing and conducting modeling and simulation studies; (c) designing system components; (d) designing experiments, and (e) collecting and analyzing data.

Proposal shall contain a description of the overall program as envisioned by the bidders and detailed information on one or more of the following three Delivery Orders: (1) Ultra Compact Combustor (UCC) Concept Evaluations; (2) Studies of Reheat Cycle Engine with Inter Turbine-Burner; (3) Advanced Concepts. It is anticipated that the results of this contract shall directly feed to future technology programs such as Versatile, Affordable, Advanced Turbine Engines (VAATE).

Interested offerors may view and/or download the full PRDA solicitation by accessing the Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOps) homepage at Direct questions to the Contracting point of contact identified in the announcement.


SpaceRef staff editor.