Status Report

Cassini Weekly Significant Events for 01/03/02 – 01/09/0

By SpaceRef Editor
January 11, 2002
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The most recent spacecraft telemetry was acquired from the Goldstone
tracking station on Wednesday,
January 9. The Cassini spacecraft is in an excellent state of health and
is operating normally. "Present Position" web page, .

Execution of C29 continues to proceed normally. Cassini’s Gravitational
Wave Experiment (GWE) completed on Jan 5. The Radio Science team was
very pleased with the effort, reporting they collected over 90% of the
possible Ka-Band GWE data. At the completion of the GWE, instruments
that were quiet due to the experiment resumed normal operations.
Additional instrument activities include Radio and Plasma Wave Science
Periodic Instrument Maintenance, write protect bit clear, and two High
Frequency Receiver calibrations. The Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer
(UVIS) completed an observation of Alpha CMA. Commands to activate
Latchup detection algorithm and thresholds for the Cosmic Dust Analyzer,
and Command & Data Subsystem Enable CDA fault protection were
successfully uplinked and executed.

Engineering activities this week included transition to the Reaction
Control Subsystem following 40 days on wheels to support the GWE, a
Reaction Wheel Assembly bias unload and readout of parameters, an
Attitude Control Subsystem high-water mark clear, and an autonomous
Command & Data Subsystem Solid State Recorder memory load partition

The Sequence Team held a Final Sequence Integration and Validation
meeting for C30. The sequence has been approved for uplink along with
the Imaging Science Subsystem decontamination and Composite Infrared
Spectrometer functional test mini-sequences. All files will be sent to
the spacecraft next week.

Science Planning reported completion of Satellite Orbiter Science Team
(SOST)/ Science Uplink Verification (SUPV) activities. Within the next
two weeks a package will be produced documenting results and lessons
learned. In addition, the Science Planning Virtual Team kicked off
development of the C32 sequence. Tour phase mission risks that require
a rapid response and that currently need development work was the topic
at this week’s Mission Planning Forum. At the Cassini Design Team
meeting, presentations included the development schedule and System
Overview presentation package for the Uplink Critical Design Review to
be held in February, and the Instrument Expanded Block strategy
operations concept

A suite of Cassini training classes has been scheduled for next week to
coincide with the Program Science Group meeting to be held at JPL.

Mission Sequence Subsystem version D7.7 has been installed on all online
Science Operations and Planning Computers.

Cassini Outreach met this week to discuss completion of the Cassini
Replan and timelines.

SpaceRef staff editor.