Status Report

CASIS Announces Gift From the Institute for Collaboration in Health

By SpaceRef Editor
July 22, 2013
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CASIS Announces Gift From the Institute for Collaboration in Health
CASIS Announces Gift From the Institute for Collaboration in Health

The Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS), the nonprofit organization promoting and managing research onboard the International Space Station (ISS) U.S. National Laboratory, today announced receipt of a $50,000 gift from the Institute for Collaboration in Health.

The Institute for Collaboration in Health (ICH) is a Texas nonprofit corporation, created and incorporated in 2012. ICH’s mission is to seek out, encourage and support (both through grant making and in-kind expertise) innovative, collaborative projects that improve healthcare for all people.

This multi-year gift commitment consists of an annual cash gift to support the CASIS mission, pro bono consulting work focused on building partnerships in the Houston metropolitan area, and an award of two Finger Fellowships for Sustainable Health, given through a partnership between ICH and the Abramson Center for the Future of Health. These fellowships will be used to recruit talented undergraduate or graduate students dedicated to projects jointly supporting the CASIS and ICH missions.

“The Institute for Collaboration in Health is pleased to partner with CASIS in support of its mission to maximize the value of the ISS National Laboratory, particularly research conducted in microgravity that has direct application in the health and life sciences,” said ICH Chief Executive Officer Clifford C. Dacso, M.D. “We look at this commitment as not simply a gift, but the beginning of a long and productive partnership between ICH and CASIS.”

“Today’s announcement demonstrates a prime example in the efforts CASIS has made to become a self-sustaining organization,” said CASIS Interim Executive Director Jim Royston. “Through this partnership with ICH, not only will CASIS receive funding furthering our mission to utilize the National Laboratory, but we will strengthen ties in a demographic rich with aerospace history, innovative technology and healthcare research.”

For additional information on how to become a member of CASIS, visit:

SpaceRef staff editor.