Status Report

Cal Tech Postdoctoral Scholar Positions in Mars Atmospheric Sturcture, Composition and Dynamics

By SpaceRef Editor
October 17, 2011
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This opportunity will involve analysis and modeling of data collected by the Mars Climate Sounder (MCS) instrument on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) spacecraft. MCS is an advanced limb-sounding infrared radiometer that collects data in one visible and 8 infrared channels, to characterize Mars’ atmospheric temperature structure and aerosol loading. MCS has been collecting data at Mars since September 2006. The successful candidate(s) will work with Level 2 data (retrieved profiles of temperature, pressure, and ice and dust abundance) to study Martian atmospheric dynamics (including tides) and the distribution and properties of Martian clouds and dust. Dr. David M. Kass, in JPL’s Division 32, will serve as JPL postdoctoral advisor to the selected candidate(s). The appointee(s) will carry out research in collaboration with the JPL advisor and the MCS team.

Please send a letter describing your research interests, a curriculum vitae, a list of three references (with telephone numbers, postal and email addresses), and arrange reference letters to be sent to:

Dr. David M. Kass
JPL M/S 169-237
4800 Oak Grove Dr.
Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
818-393-4619 (FAX)

Caltech and JPL are equal opportunity/affirmative action employers.

SpaceRef staff editor.