Status Report

‘Best and Final’ Trajectory Information for New Horizon’s Launch Vehicle Upper Stage

By SpaceRef Editor
January 24, 2006
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Editor’s note: This is the ‘best and final’ trajectory info for the Boeing upper stage for New Horizon’s launch vehicle.

Trajectory Comparison For Upper Stage and Observatory (SC)


(Jupiter-Centered, Earth-Mean Ecliptic of J2000)

Event Spacecraft Upper Stage
Periapsis Date/Time 28-FEB-2007 05:41:23 UTC 28-FEB-2007 01:44:19 UTC
Radius of Closest Approach 2,305,447 km 2,819,811 km
B-vector Magnitude 2,651,698 km 3,169,795 km
B.T (Ecliptic, Jupiter-centered) 2,632,992 km 3,137,061 km
B.R (Ecliptic, Jupiter-centered) 314,412 km 454,372 km
Inclination (w.r.t. Ecliptic) 6.91 deg 8.33 deg
V-infinity 18.45 km/s 18.46 km/s


(Pluto-Centered, Earth-Mean Ecliptic of J2000)

Event Spacecraft Upper Stage
Periapsis Date/Time 14-JUL-2015 11:58:00 UTC 09-OCT-2015 22:42:27 UTC
Radius of Closest Approach 11,095 km 187,044,046 km
B-vector Magnitude 11,100 km 187,044,051 km
B.T (Ecliptic, Pluto-centered) -9,893 km 186,171,405 km
B.R (Ecliptic, Pluto-centered) 5,034 km -18,046,741 km
Inclination (w.r.t. Ecliptic) 151.71 deg 10.66 deg
V-infinity 13.77 km/s 13.33 km/s


1. Spacecraft mass and solar pressure model used for modeling upper stage.

2. Relative separation speed between upper stage and observatory is 1.83 m/s (6 ft/s), was received
from Jim Stratton, and is based on Boeing’s final separation analysis published 13 December 2005.

3. SC separation attitude is from Centaur telemetry just before Star 48 separation, received from
Yanping Guo. Right ascension = 200.6 deg, declination = -14.3 degrees.

4. Separation Delta v applied to upper stage in negative SC attitude direction (modeled as impulsive Delta v).
KinetX, Inc New Horizons NAV 24 January 2006

SpaceRef staff editor.