Status Report

Berrimilla Down Under Mars Status Report 9 May 2008

By SpaceRef Editor
May 9, 2008
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Berrimilla Down Under Mars Status Report 9 May 2008

FRIDAY, 9 MAY 2008

Questions from the Funsters!

Hey there Berrimilla!

We brainstormed a whole stack of questions and came up with the three most popular…

1. Have you seen any sharks yet?

2. At night when there is a storm, what does the boat do and what does the water look like?

3. What do you eat? Some of our favourites are: pizzas (Monait), carrots (John L) bbq chicken and mashed potato (Sonia). It’s a bit hard for you guys to go out and get something for dinner. What do you do if you don’t like what’s on the menu?

We’re enjoying seeing your position on googlearth and are looking at your site at school each day- talk 2 u L8r, LOL. We have a BIG test next week. Every student in Aust. in Year 3,5, 7 & 9 are doing this- we’ll let you know how it goes!

Funsters at Belmore South.

(in the interests of clarity-these are the questions posed by the Funsters-ed)


MCQ&A!! answer to the Funsters

Exactly… WEST equatorial current not southwest!!! grrrrrrrrrrr…. Anyway, just have to tolerate as nowt we can do!!!


1. No Sharks, as A says. I have only ever seen one shark at sea, near the cost of Japan on a drizzly, grey day. And I saw a basking shark in a bay in Scotand once, it seemed to be nearly as long as the boat I was on (36foot) but I was quite little!!!

2. As for A. The most scary is a lightning storm though. When you think that the metal mast would very much like to be a giant lichtning conductor it is even scarier!!! At night, oin a lightning storm there is usually lots of rain and when the lightning flashes the whole sky lights up purple. mental!!

3. Food… yep, bit hard too go to the shops- if we don’t like the menu, which is a variation on tinned brown stuff or tinned red stuff then we add lots of tabasco and hope its dark so we can’t see what we are eating!!! (and remind ourselves that out here food is fuel!!) I always miss steak and salad and ice cream most!!!

Monait, we have bread mix and pizza tomato sauce so we could make a sort of pizza, we have pepperoni and tinned sweetcorn that could go on top, but as alex said no cheese left!!! John L, We had some carrots in our veggie box when we left but most went rotten- surprisingly quickly!!! We have tinned carrots now though. And, well, Sonia, BBQ chicken, out here, thats in a different world!!!!

Lots of luck in the BIG test, everybody, Love McQueen xxx


noon 141505 16529.34


And we’ve changed back to our sewn up sail in 20 kts, supposed to be rising…Sail seems to be working fine but appendages all crossed bigtime. 2 reefs, glistening day, sea that lovely iridescent turquoise – quite steep, lumpy, little breaking tops with spray blowing off them in downy jewelled wisps. Best we can comfortably do is direct track for Wake – the Americans won’t be pleased if we arrive on their beach, so we’ll divert around as we get closer.

Later – much too hot for more that 5 minutes in this little hell hole – I’ve just noticed that today the sun is to the south of us – no shade in the cockpit. Yeeehaaa! Belmore South, this is important for a couple of reasons. Can anyone work out why?


SpaceRef staff editor.