Status Report

Beagle 2 Fails To Call Mars Express

By SpaceRef Editor
January 7, 2004
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Beagle 2 Fails To Call Mars Express
beagle 2

Hopes were high that Beagle 2 would receive and respond to commands sent by
Mars Express as it flew over the presumed landing site at around 12.15 GMT.
Not only was Mars Express flying over Isidis Planitia at an altitude of just
220 miles (350 km), giving it an ideal listening position, but it was the
first time that the primary communication link with the orbiter had been used
during the Beagle 2 mission.

Speaking from the European Space Operations Centre in Darmstadt, Germany, the
ESA Science Director, Professor David Southwood, said," I have, I’m afraid, to
make a sad announcement, that today, when we were in conditions we thought were
very good for getting direct communication between Mars Express – the ‘mother
– and Beagle 2 – the ‘baby’ – we did not get any content of a signal, nor indeed
a signal from the surface of Mars.

"This is not the end of the story. We have more shots to play … but I have to
say this is a setback."

"There are opportunities to contact Beagle still to come, though we’ve
established today that it is certainly not in a particular communications mode
that we had expected it to be in."

Professor Colin Pillinger, Beagle 2 lead scientist, expressed his thanks to
everyone at ESOC for the efforts they had put in over the last few days.
"I think all I can say to the whole team at this stage is ‘play to the final
whistle’. It only takes a fraction of a second to score a goal, and that’s the
way we will have to look at this and not give up at this time, although it is
the moment when we have to start looking at the future as well."
Efforts to contact Beagle 2 and to pin down its position on the Martian surface
will continue in the weeks to come.

"We have another opportunity to look tomorrow in a more sensitive mode, the
canister mode on Mars Express, which is the most sensitive mode Mars Express
has for detecting an RF signal," said Dr Mark Sims, Beagle 2 mission manager.
"We have two Odyssey sessions tonight, when we will be attempting to command
Beagle 2 in order to have a maximum chance of seeing data with the canister
mode tomorrow. Both of those Odyssey sessions coincide with CSM 1 mode, both
am and pm, which will be another opportunity to rule those scenarios out."

The most favourable opportunity will be on 12 January, the last Mars Express
overpass that was pre-programmed into the lander before its separation from
the orbiter on 19 December. However, this window will only be available if
nothing has happened to reset or alter the lander’s timeline.

"If we see nothing … we’re left with the scenario of Beagle 2 potentially
operating but not being able to receive a signal, in which case we will have
to wait till the last back-up mode in Beagle 2 becomes active, which is
autotransmit," said Dr. Sims. "The latest date that will become active is
2 February."
"My personal view is that, if we have not received a signal within 5 to 10
days of that event, then we have to assume Beagle is lost."

SpaceRef staff editor.