Status Report

Balloon Flight Test of a Compton Telescope Based on Scintillators with Silicon Photomultiplier Readouts

By SpaceRef Editor
February 26, 2016
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P. F. Bloser, J. S. Legere, C. M. Bancroft, J. M. Ryan, M. L. McConnell
(Submitted on 24 Feb 2016)

We present the results of the first high-altitude balloon flight test of a concept for an advanced Compton telescope making use of modern scintillator materials with silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) readouts. There is a need in the fields of high-energy astronomy and solar physics for new medium-energy gamma-ray (~0.4 – 10 MeV) detectors capable of making sensitive observations. A fast scintillator- based Compton telescope with SiPM readouts is a promising solution to this instrumentation challenge, since the fast response of the scintillators permits the rejection of background via time-of-flight (ToF) discrimination. The Solar Compton Telescope (SolCompT) prototype was designed to demonstrate stable performance of this technology under balloon-flight conditions. The SolCompT instrument was a simple two-element Compton telescope, consisting of an approximately one-inch cylindrical stilbene crystal for a scattering detector and a one-inch cubic LaBr3:Ce crystal for a calorimeter detector. Both scintillator detectors were read out by 2 x 2 arrays of Hamamatsu S11828-3344 MPPC devices. Custom front-end electronics provided optimum signal rise time and linearity, and custom power supplies automatically adjusted the SiPM bias voltage to compensate for temperature-induced gain variations. A tagged calibration source, consisting of ~240 nCi of Co-60 embedded in plastic scintillator, was placed in the field of view and provided a known source of gamma rays to measure in flight. The SolCompT balloon payload was launched on 24 August 2014 from Fort Sumner, NM, and spent ~3.75 hours at a float altitude of ~123,000 feet. The instrument performed well throughout the flight. After correcting for small (~10%) residual gain variations, we measured an in-flight ToF resolution of ~760 ps (FWHM). Advanced scintillators with SiPM readouts continue to show great promise for future gamma-ray instruments.

Comments: 39 pages, 25 figures, to appear in NIM-A
Subjects: Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM); Instrumentation and Detectors (physics.ins-det)
Journal reference: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 812 (2016) 92
DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2015.12.047
Cite as: arXiv:1602.07581 [astro-ph.IM (or arXiv:1602.07581v1 [astro-ph.IM] for this version)
Submission history
From: Peter Bloser
[v1] Wed, 24 Feb 2016 16:30:49 GMT (2584kb)

SpaceRef staff editor.