ATV Closing in on the target / ESA TV Exchanges / 01-04-2008

The next transmission of the ESA TV Service will be:
01-Apr-08 08:40 – 08:55 GMT
ATV Closing in on the target
ESA TV Exchanges
Background information on the transmission:
The inaugural mission of Europe’s Automated Transfer Vehicle, the ATV, culminates this week. The “Jules Verne” is due to have its first docking attempt with the International Space Station on 3rd April. But before reaching its target, it will be rehearsing its automatic rendez-vous systems on two “Demonstration Days”, the first was scheduled on Saturday 29/3. These will confirm the vehicle’s readiness to approach and dock safely with the orbital complex. With interviews of John Ellwood, ATV Programme manager, and Jean-François Clervoy, ESA astronaut and ATV senior advisor, the A & B-roll describe the orbital operations since launch on 9 March and the different rendez-vous systems that are used.
For more info on this subject please check the script that is online as a PDF file under :
The WMV or MPEG-2 files can be viewed or downloaded using the links below :
login: esa
password: ftp4esa
A WMV preview clip is online under :
This ESA TV Exchanges feed is transmitted by the European Commission’s “Europe by Satellite” (EbS) service. You can find the complete transmission schedule, download scripts and shot lists, also for ESA TV stories, from the EbS Web site at
This programme is also available in broadcast quality via ftp-transfer, from – please use your userid and password 8dwnrd84 for fetching the file from the ESA TV server.
More background information can be found on
Transmission details:
Sirius 2 at 4.8 degrees East, Transponder B1, Horizontal (Europe by Satellite)
F=11727.5 MHz, Symbol rate 27500 MS/sec, FEC 3/4
Audio pids: International sound=201 English=202
Replay 1: 01 April
15:00 – 15:15 GMT
This programme is also available in broadcast quality via ftp-transfer, from – please use your userid and password 8dwnrd84 for fetching the file from the ESA TV server. Please note that to download the file an FTP client application is required. You will find the most popular ones at
For the latest transmission schedule, go to For all enquires on transmissions, send contact or call her mobile phone +32 495 209541. For ordering video tapes and questions on footage via ftp-transfer, contact