Status Report

Arianespace’s New-Generation Ariane 5 Boosts Two Satellites into Orbit

By SpaceRef Editor
September 14, 2000
Filed under

Arianespace today successfully launched two satellites on the sixth mission of Europe’s Ariane 5 launcher, carrying a combined payload mass of approximately 6,000 kg. Into orbit.
The mission, performed from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana carried the Astra 2B direct broadcast TV satellite for Luxembourg-based SociÈtÈ EuropÈenne des Satellites (SES), and the GE-7 telecommunications satellite for U.S. operator GE Americom.
Roger-GÈrard Schwartzenberg, French Minister for Research and Uwe Thomas, German State secretary for Research attended the launch.
Today’s flight marked the third commercial Ariane 5 launch in less than a year, further confirming the heavy-lift vehicle’s reliability and availability. The flawless launch and highly accurate orbital injection of Astra 2B and GE-7 once again demonstrated the quality of launch services offered by Arianespace.
The next Arianespace launch is Flight 133, scheduled for beginning of October. On this mission an Ariane 42L will launch the N-SAT-110 telecommunications satellite for the Japanese companies Space Communications Corp. and JCSat Corp.
After the successful completion of Flight 130, Arianespace’s backlog now stands at 46 launch contracts (37 satellites, plus 9 ATV missions for the International Space Station). Arianespace has booked a total of 222 launch contracts to date.
Technical data
Flight 130 launcher Ariane 5G
the sixth Ariane 5 since the launcher’s service entry
Launch site ELA-3 launch complex, Guiana Space Center, Europe’s Spaceport Kourou, French Guiana
Launch Time
07:54 p.m. September 14 Kourou
10:54 p.m. September 14 GMT
00:54 a.m. September 15 Paris
06:54 p.m. September 14 Washington D.C.
Orbital parameters (at third stage injection)
Actual Target
Perigee 559.9 km 559.9 km (± 3)
Apogee 35,926 km 35,939 km. (± 160) intended
Inclination 6.99 * 7.00* (± 0.06*)intended
SES Astra 2B
Spacecraft type: Digital TV broadcast satellite
Manufacturer Astrium SAS, Toulouse, France
Mass at liftoff/payload 3,300 kg /28 Ku-band transponders
Orbital position 28.2* East, over Central Africa
Coverage Europe
GE Americom GE 7
Spacecraft type: Telecommunications satellite
Manufacturer Lockheed Martin (LMMS), United States
Mass at liftoff/payload 1,983 kg / 24 C-band transponders
Orbital position 146* West, over the Pacific Ocean
Coverage North America

SpaceRef staff editor.