Ariane-4 flight V-132 status report 14-08-2000
Mission Log:
August 14, 2000
Flight 132 – The launcher takes shape
While the Ariane 4 for Flight 131 nears its hour of liftoff in the ELA-2 launch zone, Flight 132’s Ariane 4 stands nearly complete in ELA-2’s assembly building approximately one kilometer away.
Arianespace Mission Manager Gilles Triay said the Flight 132 launch vehicle began taking shape on August 3 when the first stage was erected in the assembly building. The following day saw the installation of the second stage.
August 7 was use to make the limited changes necessary to adapt Ariane 4’s first stage to Flight 132’s Ariane 44P version. This configuration has four solid strap-on boosters added to the first stage for additional thrust during the initial ascent.
The Ariane 4 for Flight 132 originally was configured in the 44LP version, which has a mix of two liquid and two solid boosters installed on the first stage. The Ariane 4 family’s modular design enables launchers to be converted from one version to another with straightforward changes, providing Arianespace with a significant degree of flexibility for mission planning.
Integration of the Flight 131 Ariane 4’s third stage occurred on Friday, August 11, followed by installation of the vehicle equipment bay atop the launcher on the same day.
The basic Ariane 4 is now complete, and ready to receive the Eutelsat W1 satellite payload. Integration of the satellite will be made once the launcher is transferred to the ELA-2 launch zone. The transfer will occur after the launch zone freed up with the liftoff of Flight 131’s Ariane 4.
Flight 132’s Eutelsat W1 payload arrived at Cayenne airport during the night of July 25-26, and immediately was transported to the Spaceport’s S1B satellite preparation building. During the days that followed, Eutelsat W1 underwent pressurization, electrical and leak tests.
The satellite will be transferred this week from the S1B to the S3B building, where final pre-launch preparations will be performed.