Status Report

Aqua Daily Report May 21, 2002 1130 GMT – May 22, 2002 1130 GMT

By SpaceRef Editor
May 22, 2002
Filed under , ,

(DOY 141:1130z – 142:1130z)

The following activities were completed:

  1. Uplinked the updated star tracker alignment matrix patch. This patch corrected errors discovered in the pre-launch calculation.
  2. Transitioned back to Fine Point Mode (FPM) and enabled FPM fault management.
  3. Uplinked the daily Master Command Loads and Ephemeris.
  4. Continued with instrument recovery activities, including:
    1. AMSU-A1 and A2 Activation
    2. AIRS to Standby/Cooler Off
    3. AIRS Memory Dump
    4. AIRS Warm Functional Checkout (Part 1)
  5. Parked the AMSU A1 and A2 instruments in preparation for AMSR-E spin-up.

The following activities are scheduled for the next 24 hours:

  1. Complete instrument recovery activities, including:
    1. Spin-up AMhttp from 4 to 40 rpm (inc. dynamic balancing)
  2. Uplink the daily Master Command Loads and Ephemeris.
  3. Complete a new Ascent Plan (Flight Dynamics).

Aqua Spacecraft Status:

  1. Spacecraft State is currently Standby.
  2. GNC Mode is Fine Point Mode, HiFi Ephemeris.

Aqua Instrument Status:

  1. AIRS is in Standby state, Quiet bus is ON, Noisy bus is OFF, Cryocooler is OFF with the Heater ON, Scan mirror rotating is OFF and earth shield is CLOSED.
  2. AMSR-E is in Modified Sleep mode, rotating at 4 RPM.
  3. AMSU A1 is Parked at the Warm Calibration Target position.
  4. AMSU A2 is Parked at the Warm Calibration Target position.
  5. CERES Aft is in Safe mode and the covers are CLOSED.
  6. CERES Fore is in Safe mode and the covers are CLOSED.
  7. HSB is in Survival mode and the antenna is in the Target position.
  8. MODIS is in Survival mode, Nadir Door is Unlatched and CLOSED, Solar Diffuser Door is Unlatched and CLOSED, and the Space View Door is Unlatched and CLOSED.

Activities Deferred:

  1. All further recovery activities have been postponed until completion of AMSR-E spin-up, including:
    1. HSB Power On
    2. MODIS Transition to On State


  1. Investigation into the cause of the transition to survival is continuing, including analysis of possible atmospheric causes as well as any possible hardware or software causes. The Electrical Power Subsystem continues to exhibit nominal state of health since the anomaly.
  2. The HSB team is investigating a potential corruption of the initial science data produced during their power on last week.

SpaceRef staff editor.