Annual United Nations Meeting on Space Debris

The Scientific and Technical Subcommittee (STSC) of the United Nation’s Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) held its annual discussions on space debris at the UN complex in Vienna, Austria, during 28 February – 4 March 2005. A new STSC multi-year work plan on space debris, calling for STSC space debris mitigation guidelines by 2007, was adopted. The work plan includes the following features:
2005: Considerations will begin, during intersessional work, of Member States proposals for the document to be developed covering space debris mitigation. The Working Group on Space Debris will also begin discussions with Member State experts on Nuclear Power Sources (NPS) to identify issues of mutual interest.
2006: The review and revision of the draft STSC space debris mitigation document will be undertaken, and future processes by which the final document, if necessary, could be updated will be considered. The Working Group on Space Debris will continue, as necessary, discussions relating to the use of NPS in outer space. Member States and international organizations will continue reporting, on a voluntary basis, on space debris research programs and mitigation practices.
2007: The proposed space debris mitigation document will be submitted by the Working Group on Space Debris to the STSC, with the view of the later adoption of the document by the full COPUOS. Member States and international organizations will continue reporting, on a voluntary basis, on space debris research programs and mitigation practices.
The STSC guidelines are currently envisioned to be high level and not contain the specificity of the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC) space debris mitigation guidelines, which will be referenced ( An intersessional meeting of the STSC Working Group on Space Debris will be held 13-16 June 2005, during the next full meeting of COPUOS.