Announcement of NASA Aeronautics Annual Meetings
Two of the NASA Aeronautics Programs will be hosting annual meetings in the near future that are open to the public. The announcements for both of these meetings are listed below.
Invitation to the Aviation Safety Program Annual Meeting
The Aviation Safety Program will be hosting its First Annual Meeting on October 10 – October 12, 2007 at the Renaissance St. Louis Grand & Suites Hotel in St. Louis, MO. The purpose is to provide our research community with technical presentations that describe current plans for the Aviation Safety Program and significant accomplishments to date.
A detailed agenda is available on the web. Registration and additional details can be found at
For questions regarding registration or the venue, contact Barbara Kakiris at 216-433-2513 or
We would be pleased to have you participate in this meeting and look forward to seeing you in St. Louis.
Herb Schlickenmaier
Director, Aviation Safety Program
NASA Headquarters
Invitation to the Fundamental Aeronautics Program Annual Meeting
The Fundamental Aeronautics Program will be hosting its First Annual Meeting on October 30 – November 1, 2007 at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel in New Orleans, LA. The main objectives of this meeting are:
1. To provide our research partners and the community in general with details of our current efforts and future plans.
2. To provide an opportunity for interactions with the NASA Fundamental Aeronautics Program.
3. To update the community on significant accomplishments that took place during the year.
A detailed agenda is available on the web. Registration and additional details can be found at
For questions regarding registration or the venue contact Barbara Kakiris at 216-433-2513 or, and for questions regarding the agenda or technical content of the meeting contact Diane Brown at 202-358-1565 or
We would be pleased to have you participate in this meeting and look forward to seeing you in New Orleans.
Juan J. Alonso
Director, Fundamental Aeronautics Program
NASA Headquarters