Alternate Access to Station (AAS) Systems Concept of a Logistics Resupply Service to the International Space Station (Amendment)
SOL 8-1-1-8-D6585
POC Betty C. Kilpatrick, Contract Specialist, Phone (256) 544-0310, Fax (256) 544-4080, – George E. Pendley, Contracting Officer, Phone (256) 544-2949, Fax (256) 544-2812
“Attached Synopsis of Original Announcement”
NASA/MSFC plans to issue a Request for Offer (RFO) for systems requirements and a systems design of a logistics resupply service to the International Space Station (ISS). This in support of the Alternate Access to Station (AAS) element of the Second Generation Reusable Launch Vehicle Program. This effort is approximately one year in length to assess a logistics resupply service concept definition to ISS. This service concept and service plan will be part of a process used by NASA to potentially procure a commercial service for alternate access to station.
“Amendment Details”
The following pages contain the slip sheets for the RFO 8-1-1-8-D6585 published January 11, 2002. The following changes have been made:
1. Page 5 RFO – Change in DRD number listed in last line of Safety and Health Plan
2. Page 6 RFO – Paragraph 1 Page Limitations – change Compliance Matrix and Relevant Experience and Past Performance
3. Page 8 RFO – Change in Step Two
4. Change in Clauses listed in Model Contract on pages 7, 8,9, 10, 11, to correct dates
5. Page 12 Model Contract – Change in Paragraph 2 Definitions under CTBE
6. Pages 18 and 19 Model Contract amended to eliminate “as a minimum”.