Status Report

AIP FYI #6: FY 2004 Budget Cycle Completed

By SpaceRef Editor
January 23, 2004
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Yesterday the Senate passed the $820 billion omnibus appropriations
bill, and sent it on to President Bush for his signature. With this
action the FY 2004 budget cycle that began almost one year ago was
completed. Details of the appropriations bills for various
physics-related programs can be found on the AIP Science Policy
Budget Information site at
Note that program content sometimes changes, especially in the case
of NASA. The following figures represent the increases or decreases
in the FY 2004 budgets for these programs as compared to the FY 2003

  • Dept. of Homeland Security: Research, Development, Acquisition and Operations: Up 58.4%
  • Department of Education Math and Science Partnerships: Up 48.5%
  • DOD Advanced Technology Development Program (6.3): Up 24.3%
  • NASA Space Flight Capabilities: Up 20.8%
  • DOE Biological and Environmental Research Program : Up 16.9%
  • DOD Science and Technology Programs (6.1, 6.2, 6.3): Up 13.3%
  • DOE Fusion Energy Sciences Program: Up 6.3%
  • DOE Office of Science: Up 5.2%
  • National Science Foundation: Up 5.0%
  • NSF Research and Related Activities: Up 4.8%
  • DOD Applied Research Program (6.2): Up 4.7%
  • NSF Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction: Up 4.3%
  • NSF Education and Human Resources: Up 4.0%
  • National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering: Up 3.2%
  • U.S. Geological Survey: Up 2.7%
  • DOE Nuclear Physics Program: Up 2.7% [Increase in Consumer Price Index from 12/2002 to 12/2003: Up 1.9%]
  • DOE High Energy Physics Program: Up 0.5%
  • DOD Basic Research Program (6.1): Up 0.1%

  • DOE Basic Energy Sciences Program: Approximately flat funding
  • NIST Advanced Technology Program: Approximately flat funding

  • NASA: Down less than 1.0%
  • NIST Scientific and Technical Research and Services: Down 4.3%
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology: Down 11.8%
  • NASA Science, Aeronautics and Exploration: Down 14.4%
  • NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program: Down 62.8%


Richard M. Jones

Media and Government Relations Division

The American Institute of Physics

(301) 209-3094


SpaceRef staff editor.