AIP FYI #131: From the Floor and Press Room: Praise for NSF and its New Authorization
The recent passage of H.R. 4664, the National Science Foundation
Authorization Act of 2002, afforded Members of Congress the opportunity to
praise NSF and to highlight the importance of the research it sponsors. The
following are selections from floor debate, remarks prepared for the floor,
and from written statements:
“Improved science and math education, scientific innovation, and new
technology hold the key to our nation’s future economic success, as well as
our national security. During its 50 years, NSF has supported the research
of more than half of U.S. Nobel laureates in physics, chemistry and
economics, and contributed to such breakthroughs as the Internet, artificial
skin to help burn victims and the discovery of new planets and black holes.”
– Rep. Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY)
“The bill before us doubles NSF’s budget authority over the next five
years. It matches the growth of the National Institutes of Health over the
last five years. We double budget authority for research and development in
the physical sciences and theoretical mathematics, because they support
advances in the health sciences and because they are valuable in their own
right.”- Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA)
“The funding authorized by H.R. 4664 will also begin to address the growing
imbalance in federal support for fundamental research in the physical
sciences and engineering relative to the biomedical fields. This is a
serious matter because, for any field of science, progress is dependent on
advances made in other fields.” – Rep. Ralph Hall (D-TX)
“Where the rubber meets the road, we have to stop talking and invest, with
real money, in the science and engineering enterprise that will guaranty the
health, economic viability, and security of our future.” – Senator Ernest
Hollings (D-SC)
“This legislation will provide important direction and oversight to the
National Science Foundation to help ensure that they operate effectively and
efficiently. It also ensures that we increase research activities at our
nation’s universities through NSF’s highly respected merit-based, peer
review award process.” – Rep. Nick Smith (R-MI)
“America’s technological prowess is unequaled in the world today – which is
why, despite our economic slowdown and the financial burdens of prosecuting
the war against terrorism and ensuring our collective defense, we still have
the strongest, most vibrant economy on the planet. However, our long-term
competitive standing and economic security could well be at risk if we do
not address a troubling trend line in our workforce, the mismatch between
the demand and supply of workers with science and engineering training.” –
Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-CT)
“This is truly an historic piece of legislation for science policy in the
United States that will have profound and lasting effect on the future
prosperity of our nation.” – Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX)
“The research results, while not clear now, will reap huge benefits in the
future – just as research on lasers and nuclear magnetic resonance led to
advances in construction, medicine, and defense.” – Rep. Vernon Ehlers
“One of the biggest problems our country will face in the next few decades
is the shortage of a home-grown technology educated workforce. In order to
circumvent this shortage we need to supply American students with the
opportunity to become world leaders in math and science.” – Rep. Ken Calvert
“It always pays to be mindful of the fact – especially in the wake of the
September 11 events – that there is a strong and tight linkage between our
national security and the level of science and technology proficiency in
America.” – Rep. John Larson (D-CT)
“Today, with this bill, we take an important step to ensure the well-being
of this Nation and its citizens with passage of this bill to double the
funding for the basic research and science education activities of the
National Science Foundation over the next five years.” – Senator Barbara
Mikulski (D-MD)
Richard M. Jones
Media and Government Relations Division
The American Institute of Physics
(301) 209-3095
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