Status Report

AIP FYI #13: Overview of FY 2003 Budget Request for Selected Programs

By SpaceRef Editor
February 7, 2002
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President Bush submitted his FY 2003 budget request to Congress
on February 4. Based on the information available so far, below
is a calculation of how funding for selected programs would
change, from the FY 2002 appropriated level to the FY 2003
requested level. These calculations do not take into account
inflation, nor changes in program content from one year to the

Further details on the requests for specific programs will be
provided in subsequent FYIs. Keep in mind that proposed FY 2003
funding levels are likely to change throughout the appropriations
process. It is now up to the House and Senate to take the
request, and draft their own funding bills for these programs.

NIST S&T Research & Services                +25.3 percent
NASA Space Science +19.1
DOE Nuclear Physics +6.5
NSF Research & Related Activities +5.1
NSF Total +5.0
DOE Fusion Energy Sciences +4.0
NSF Education & Human Resources +3.8
DOD Advanced Technol. Development +2.7
NASA Biological & Physical Research +2.7
DOE Basic Energy Sciences +2.0
DOE High Energy Physics +1.7
NASA Total +0.7*
NASA Earth Science +0.2
DOE Office of Science +0.1
DOD Basic Research (6.1) -0.7
DOD Total (6.1 + 6.2 + 6.3) -2.0
USGS -5.1**
DOD Applied Research (6.2) -7.5
NSF Major Res. Equip. & Facilities Constr. -9.0
NASA Human Space Flight -10.2
NIST Total -15.2
NIST Advanced Technology Program -41.5
NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnerships -87.9

*Does not include federal retirees funding.

**Does not include Civil Service retirement and health benefits


Audrey T. Leath

Media and Government Relations Division

The American Institute of Physics

(301) 209-3094


SpaceRef staff editor.