Status Report

Agencywide Message To All NASA Employees: Update on Official Travel for May and June

By SpaceRef Editor
April 29, 2020
Filed under ,
Subject: Update on Official Travel for May and June
Date: April 29, 2020 at 10:34:45 AM EDT
To: Undisclosed recipients:;

Point of Contact: Nestor Tezna, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, 
Update on Official Travel for May and June
NASA leadership continues to assess upcoming travel for the month of May and June as well as monitoring conferences and other events.  Out of an abundance of caution, the agency continues to restrict all domestic and international travel. Only mission-critical travel will be considered and a Request for Travel Exception form must be submitted prior to travel. 
If you have approved travel in the system for May, please check with your supervisor to ensure that the travel is considered mission critical and that an exception form has been approved; otherwise, please work with your travel arranger to cancel your trip. 
Any employee who has concerns about any particular trip, domestic or international, should discuss potential alternative arrangements with their supervisor. NASA continues to monitor domestic travel guidelines and will provide further information should circumstances change. 
Note: Mission-critical work is defined as work that must be performed to minimize the impact on mission/project operations and/or schedules and cannot be performed remotely or virtually.
This notice is being sent agencywide to all employees by NASA INC in the Office of Communications at NASA Headquarters.

SpaceRef staff editor.