AbSciCon 2006 Symposia Selections

The goal of this meeting is to hold scientific sessions that are truly interdisciplinary. We have just selected 19 symposia that will include the breadth of science represented by scientists attending this meeting. The symposia will be 1/2 day or full day and could be either oral or poster, or even a combination of the two. The title and convener(s) for each symposium are listed below.
I. Bridging Living and Non-living Matter: Oral with Posters
Conveners: Andrew Pohorille and Michael Wilson
II. “Astrobiology on the Moon” Oral with Posters
Conveners: Lynn Rothschild, Bernard Foing and Norman Sleep
III. Triggers of Mass-extinctions in the Earth’s history. Terrestrial vs. Extraterrestrial. Applications for planetary habitability: Oral with Posters
Convener: Alexander Pavlov
IV. Interdisciplinary Research in Cold Mars-Analogue Environments: Oral and Posters
Conveners: Jennifer Eigenbrode, Marc Fries and Libby Hausrath
V. How do “extremophiles” impact our perception of the habitability of Earth and extraterrestrial environments? Oral and Poster
Conveners: Matthew Schrenk and Julie Huber
VI. Astrobiological Achievements of the NASA Astrobiology Institute: Oral with Posters
Conveners: Executive Council of the NASA Astrobiology Institute via Bruce Runnegar
VII. Sulfur on Earth and Mars: Microbiology, Mineralogy, Isotope Geochemistry, Photochemistry, Role in Mars Exploration, Environmental Impact. Oral with Poster
Conveners: Lee Kump and Bruce Runnegar
VIII. Extraterrestrial pre-biotic chemistry: Synthesis in the Solar System and beyond: Oral with Poster
Convener: Conel Alexander
IX. Exploring Planets Around Other Stars
Conveners: L. Jeremy Richardson, Margaret Turnbull and Hannah Jang-Condell
X. Engaging Public Perceptions of Evolution: Challenges and Opportunities for Scientists and Science Educators: Oral
Conveners: Connie Bertka and Julie Edmonds
XI. Follow the Energy: Oral with Poster
Conveners: Tori Hoehler and Jan Amend
XII. Where Have All the Cowgirls Gone? Success Strategies for Women (and Men!) in Astrobiology
Conveners: Julie Huber and Margaret Turnbull
XIII. Assessing the need for a lander on Europa: Oral with Poster
Convener: Kevin Hand
XIV. The environmental impact of life: redox changes from the microscale to composition of the atmosphere and ocean: Oral with Posters
Conveners: Andrey Bekker and Olivier Rouxel
XV. Habitability on Mars: Surface vs. Subsurface: Oral with Poster
Convener: Kathryn Fishbaugh
XVII. Elements of Life (Metallomics): Oral with Poster
Conveners: Ariel Anbar, Jim Elser and David Emerson
XVIII. Titan as a Prebiotic Chemical System
Conveners: Patricia Beauchamp, Jonathan Lunine and Mark Smith
XIX. Radio Astronomy: New Instruments And Their Importance For Astrobiology: Needs Opinions
Convener: Jill Tarter
For more information on these Symposia http://nai.arc.nasa.gov/coursesconferences/index.cfm
Abstract submission deadline: January 10, 2006 Early Bird Registration Deadline: February 26, 2006
Bookmark the AbScicon website at http://abscicon2006.arc.nasa.gov/ for your primary source of the latest AbSciCon2006 meeting information.