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A transiting extrasolar giant planet around the star OGLE-TR-113

By SpaceRef Editor
September 11, 2004
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A transiting extrasolar giant planet around the star OGLE-TR-113

Astrophysics, abstract

From: Maciej Konacki [view email]
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2004 18:37:58 GMT (52kb)

A transiting extrasolar giant planet around the star OGLE-TR-113

Maciej Konacki,
Guillermo Torres,
Dimitar D. Sasselov,
Grzegorz Pietrzynski,
Andrzej Udalski,
Saurabh Jha,
Maria Teresa Ruiz,
Wolfgang Gieren,
Dante Minniti

Comments: Submitted to ApJL, additional color figures and data files at
this http URL

We report the independent discovery of a new extrasolar transiting planet
around OGLE-TR-113, a candidate star from the Optical Gravitational Lensing
Experiment. Small radial-velocity variations have been detected based on
observations conducted with the MIKE spectrograph on the Magellan I (Baade)
telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory (Chile) during 2003. We have also
carried out a light-curve analysis incorporating new photometry and realistic
physical parameters for the star. OGLE-TR-113b has an orbital period of only
1.43 days, a mass of 1.08 +/- 0.28 M_Jup, and a radius of 1.09 +/- 0.10 R_Jup.
Similar parameters have been obtained very recently in an independent study by
Bouchy et al., from observations taken a year later. The orbital period of
OGLE-TR-113b, and also that of the previously announced planet OGLE-TR-56b
(P_orb = 1.21 days) — the first two found photometrically — are much shorter
than the apparent cutoff of close-in giant planets at 3-4-day periods found
from high-precision radial velocities surveys. Along with a third case reported
by Bouchy et al. (OGLE-TR-132b, P_orb = 1.69 days), these objects appear to
form a new class of “very hot Jupiters” that pose very interesting questions
for theoretical study.

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/abs (/+), /0404,

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