Status Report

A Jovian-mass Planet in Microlensing Event OGLE-2005-BLG-071

By SpaceRef Editor
July 9, 2005
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A Jovian-mass Planet in Microlensing Event OGLE-2005-BLG-071

Astrophysics, abstract

From: Andrzej Udalski [view email]
Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 20:00:15 GMT (71kb)

A Jovian-mass Planet in Microlensing Event OGLE-2005-BLG-071

A. Udalski,
M. Jaroszynski,
B. Paczynski,
M. Kubiak,
M.K. Szymanski,
I. Soszynski,
G. Pietrzynski,
K. Ulaczyk,
O. Szewczyk,
L. Wyrzykowski (The OGLE Collaboration),
G.W. Christie,
D.L. DePoy,
S. Dong,
A. Gal-Yam,
B.S. Gaudi,
A. Gould,
C. Han,
S. Lepine,
J. McCormick,
B.-G. Park,
R.W. Pogge (The microFUN Collaboration),
D.P. Bennett,
I.A. Bond,
Y. Muraki,
P.J. Tristram,
P.C.M.Yock (From the MOA Collaboration),
J.P. Beaulieu,
D.M. Bramich,
S.W. Dieters,
J. Greenhill,
K. Hill,
K. Horne,
D. Kubas (From the PLANET/RoboNet Collaboration)

Comments: 5 pages. Submitted to ApJ Letters

We report the discovery of a several-Jupiter mass planetary companion to the
primary star in microlensing event OGLE-2005-BLG-071. Precise (<1%) photometry
at the peak of the event yields an extremely high signal-to-noise ratio
detection of a deviation from the light curve expected from an isolated lens.
The planetary character of this deviation is easily and unambiguously
discernible from the gross features of the light curve. Detailed modeling
yields a tightly-constrained planet-star mass ratio of q=m_p/M=0.007. This is
the second robust detection of a planet with microlensing, demonstrating that
the technique itself is viable and that planets are not rare in the systems
probed by microlensing, which typically lie several kpc toward the Galactic

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