Status Report

A deep cluster survey in Chandra archival data. First results

By SpaceRef Editor
April 20, 2003
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Astrophysics, abstract

From: Walter Boschin <>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 15:28:23 GMT (221kb)

A deep cluster survey in Chandra archival data. First results

W. Boschin

Comments: 28 pages, 20 figures

Journal-ref: Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2002, 396, 397

I present the first results of a search for clusters of galaxies in Chandra
ACIS pointed observations at high galactic latitude with exposure times larger
than 10 ks. The survey is being carried out using the Voronoi Tessellation and
Percolation technique, which is particularly suited for the detection and
accurate quantification of extended and/or low surface brightness emission in
X-ray imaging observations. A new catalogue of 36 cluster candidates has been
created from 5.55 square degrees of surveyed area. Five of these candidates
have already been associated to visible enhancements of the projected galaxy
distribution in low deepness DSS-II fields and are probably low-to moderate
redshift systems. Three of the candidates have been identified in previous
ROSAT-based surveys. I show that a significative fraction (30-40%) of the
candidate clusters are probably intermediate to high redshift systems. In this
paper I publish the catalogue of these first candidate clusters. I also derive
the number counts of clusters and compare it with the results of deep
ROSAT-based cluster surveys.

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